Goblin Mail Leggings still available?... WTB a pair.. pst!


hi there i am wondering if you can still get goblin mail leggings.....

if not i would like to buy a pair from someone..... anyone have any?
Penicillin said:
As far as I can see his first question fits in this forum (and now is answered).

yes so now he can remove the first question from the OP and then a mod can move this to auction forum
those NPCs appear to be removed so i think they do not drop anymore
yes i am interested... how much g do ya want for them...
Forget those just do the quest for the 7stam/7str mail legs check the stickies
idk id say like 250-300g that sound ok?
Windsword said:
I believe Goblin Mail leggings have more armor than Kalecgos' Gift though. I have 2 pair on Ravencrest - Alliance if you absolutely need them and can't find any.

ya i will keep looking but i would like to keep in touch
i am still wondering if the goblin mail leggings still drop from the NPCs which appear to be removed..... anyone know if they still drop ??
so nobody knows if goblin mail leggings still drop?
Your question has all ready been answered in this post. Yes, they should still drop off of Goblin Shipbuilder's according to WoWhead and Wowarmory.

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