Gnomer runs?


im getting pissed at running gnomer i ran it 15 times and the rare spawn wasnt there...

so now im just using specific and waiting 20mins at a time to go through the full instance with a group... i really need to roll a DK on arthas and just gold farm so i can buy some runs lol
Mehcritkillu said:
What rare are you talking about? :eek:

the emissary or the ambassador he drops leather bracers that are random stats so it can be monkey, stamina, spellpower etc. and it gives +5 arcane resistance. so BiS for level 24s (depending on the stats of course).

Edit: he is the only rare spawn in Gnomeregan.
Round 150 times on my shammy so far, yet to see any bracers that would even be a good place holder xD But honestly that's what you expect when you make the choice to go get them and be bis, if it were easy everyone would be it.

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