GF'd Shaman looking for a new home


Hey all, I have a horde (tauren made before gobs were in game) grandfathered shaman on the server Mannoroth and I am possibly looking for a new home if the conditions are right.

Sniklefrittz @ Mannoroth - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Gear I have not shown on my armory:
Dreadskull Shield
Seal of Sylvannas
Grizzly Boots
Blessed Hammer of Grace x2 (30sp/20spirit)
3/3 Wranglers of Eagle (15sp)
Currently have 6/12 AGM tokens (for my first)

Have yet to do any of the new Cata quests as I haven't played him since a little into Cata and just wanted to have fun didn't feel like getting new gear.

About me:
I've been twinking since back in vanilla, started with a human rogue named Fritto on dragonblight. Lead the guild Flank and Gank (some old school cycloners may remember). I played with Pizza back when he had Pizza Hut and all his cronies were named Pizzathis or Pizzathat. When Ruin became the only active twink spot I migrated Fritto to Mannoroth and joined Wuvz in Fishing Buddies. I later made my shaman to fill a needed spot in our premade. I premaded on the shaman for a few months. Played with Painaid, and Bones in Fishing Buddies as a Defensive shaman healer. I've played Rogue, mage, and shaman twinks, along with an Hpal main, and Warrior FC (1801 RBG rating before I took a break), and have been playing since Vanilla so I am confident in my abilities.

What I'm looking for:
Looking for a new home to premade. I know shamans may not be the best of choices in some cases but I am willing to give it my all for the guild and play to the best of my skill to benefit the guild. I am more than willing to take direction, I like to consider myself rather coordinated and good with taking direction. I can call out targets in a premade situation, have been doing it on my warrior in RBGS (i know its different kill order but I can figure it out). Preferably looking for a smaller guild, maybe one just starting out or one that really just likes to keep things small and organized.

I am currently in college, I have just about 3 weeks left though and I can start working again to pay my transfer etc. Anyone that wouldn't mind helping the costs i obviously wouldn't turn down. I could go alliance or horde. Ideally I want to go alliance to get the gear before returning back horde (if i was to get into a horde guild). But depending on funds it could be a problem (my boss is a dick so idk what kind of hours i will be working). I am NOT asking anyone to pay my transfer, I am more than capable, just want to stress that so no one gets the wrong idea and thinks I'm just a beggar.

If anyone is interested please PM me and we can talk about details.

Thanks, and sorry for the wall of text,

Edit: I am resto now but can play either resto or ele..or enhance even if the guild needs, only thing is i would have to get new gear for enhance. And also i forgot to mention i don't have a way to get BoA helm on him on Mannoroth, but i would be more than willing to roll a DK on the new server and join a guild and get rep to buy them.
Cherry Limeaid would love to have you, however at this point of time we would most likely need you to go ele for future premades. We are currently 5/10 with many people transfering or getting transfered as we speak, for more infomation take a look at our guild recruitment post or add me pm me for my real ID if you have any further questions.
From the sounds of it you are a geared and experienced shaman. I am going to give you some advice you can take it or leave it. there are a few power house guilds in the bracket with more than their share of 19's. You do not want to join any of them ( my guild included ) your best option is to join an up and coming guild and help them build a strong team. We need more diversity in the bracket. If you are looking for dilusions of grandjure go join an already big guild and dont get any premade time. you will be in a pro guild but wont get the action or gratification you are seeking. Find a strong core group of people forming a new guild and work with them and help them build. - Brown < Lethal Synergy >
Greetings from my phone.., thumbs up to another gf Shammy on alliance. Moar defensive thunder puntz.
Best of luck dude! Always good to see people still playing their Shamans and not their Hunters
Augi you're worse then a women with your word twisting personality. The estrogen flows deep within you young one.

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