Getting those last 10 mining points w/ no XP

Hey all, I've finally got my Druid to 29 (/cheer) and he’s got all the possible gear I think he’ll need (well, the pants are off one stam, but what’s one point, right?) Anyway, I kinda goofed up in my leveling planning- I have about 7-8 bubble before I hit 30 (YIKES) and I still need to get my last 10 points in mining for the highest rank of Toughness. I was planning on having an alt escort him through the back mountains of WPL, but it strikes me that you guys may have a better idea. I’m tying to keep the discovery XP to a minimum.

Here’s my “order of importanceâ€￾ as it where:

Western Plaguelands


Eastern Plaguelands

Am I missing anything?
If you can spare 2 discoveries....

Corpse run to winterspring and rez there.

Get a high level to escort you east to the yeti cave.

There are 3 mining spawns in the cave that can get you to 300.

You'll get discovery XP for winterspring and the cave area.

Go straight to the cave as there are some other areas that can get you discovery xp.
Un'Goro Crater eh? intersting-

As for the corpse run to wintersping, can you die in say felwood and run the the graveyard in winterspring and rez there? I was under the impression that was not possible....
Rayekk said:
As for the corpse run to wintersping, can you die in say felwood and run the the graveyard in winterspring and rez there? I was under the impression that was not possible....

afaik this still works:

Die anywhere you want, corpse run to the spirit healer you want to rez at, logout, login, rez.
Baroo said:
afaik this still works:

Die anywhere you want, corpse run to the spirit healer you want to rez at, logout, login, rez.

Ahhh- the login thing is new- I'll totally try that out. I mean- what do I have to loose, right?
Since you're Alliance here's the best thing to do.

There's a cave/mine next to Netherguard Keep filled with Alliance miners. There are 4-5 thorium veins that spawn in that mine that you can get without high level escort. Who knows how much XP a discovery there may get you though. You won't have to face any mobs to get in there to mine though.
Oh- i like that one- and it's close to SW- I wonder if the corpse run to there would be worth it....

gonna find out!
If you cannot afford ANY discoveries, the chain of 5 nodes in the center of ungoro do NOT give discovery experience. Be very careful, south is Slithering Scar, North is Fire Plume Ridge, east is the marshland, west is Terror Run.

map from ungoro

You WILL need an escort, the 5 in the middle there are probably on a 25-30 minute respawn timer.
just get summoned to the yeti cave in winterspring

camp ur guy in there with a main....check the cave every 10-15 min on ur main..if a node spawns kill all the yetis and log on ur twink

takes 1 discovery and roughly 1.5 hours
considering its the new raised max skill for wrath, no.

you couldnt get 375 mining in old world they wouldnt change it for wrath.
Junai said:
considering its the new raised max skill for wrath, no.

you couldnt get 375 mining in old world they wouldnt change it for wrath.

Very true- in fact, you can only get something like 15 points past 300 via smelting; the rest is physically mining. There's a comprehensive guide on the forums (Though I know they capped professions for US servers).
Quick update to this thread- unless I’m missing something, the cave near Netherguard Keep is not able to be mined by an Alliance character. It LOOKS to have Thorium and Mithril in the cave, but you cannot interact with them (At least I couldn’t). I’m guessing its Horde only, unless someone can prove otherwise. WPL also is proving difficult, and all the mobs there seem to case some form of DoT, thereby killing my character, even while being escorted. I guess the Crater is next.
Eveill said:
Since you're Alliance here's the best thing to do.

There's a cave/mine next to Netherguard Keep filled with Alliance miners. There are 4-5 thorium veins that spawn in that mine that you can get without high level escort. Who knows how much XP a discovery there may get you though. You won't have to face any mobs to get in there to mine though.

this will NOT work, do not waste the discovery, these nodes are horde only.

personally i went to redridge and just ran around burning steppes hehe

edit: seems i didnt post that in time, :(
Heró said:
this will NOT work, do not waste the discovery, these nodes are horde only.

personally i went to redridge and just ran around burning steppes hehe

edit: seems i didnt post that in time, :(

A little too late- meh- whatyagonnado?
Tetox said:
just get summoned to the yeti cave in winterspring

camp ur guy in there with a main....check the cave every 10-15 min on ur main..if a node spawns kill all the yetis and log on ur twink

takes 1 discovery and roughly 1.5 hours

This is what I did on 5 toons.

Did you see my guide?
Drayner said:
This is what I did on 5 toons.

Did you see my guide?

I did, and I found it very informative. I don't have access to a warlock for a summons out there, but I guess the corpse run will have to suffice. At least I'm a druid, so I can at least start in Moonglade.
lock summons are easy to get if you have a friend that can work with you.

You go to ungoro and type /who un'goro lock or /who tanaris lock

At that point, you have 3-4 potential warlocks. You offer them 15g to summon you to ungoro crater, once you find one willing to do it, you offer in /1 10g for someone to help summon.

You have your friend step right in the right zone, pay your 25g, he escorts you for the 12-14 nodes you need and you're set.

It helps in that area to have an escort, there is no discovery experience for the map in un'goro that I posted above.

I believe Drayner has linked to the guide I made pre-3.0.8 which covers the low-exp method for 1-450. You will get 1 discovery with the winterspring location, and you'll need an escort that can handle the elites if you do the single zone down at the bottom.
Thanks again- I have access to an escort (I can multi-box and have two accounts) just not a lock- I appreciate the advice, and I’ll let you know who it works out once I get off work.

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