Getting back into WoW (and by extension, twinking)


So yeah, after about a year of two away from the game, (I quit when 49s stopped popping, though I heard they have started to get games again) I'm gonna try to start playing again. Though I was mostly active in the 49s, I'm gonna try out the 19s (technically again, though I just really dabbled before), since they appear to be the most active.

Right now I'm gearing up a 19 priest, so in a few days you should see some (probably) terrible player get [An Honorable Kill] achievement.

However, I don't just want to heal, and I'll probably make a new character after getting acquainted with the bracket so I ask this:

What non-healer, non-Rogue, non-Hunter character should I play?
I had a frost CC mage back in the day, is the playstyle of mages still the same? Spam lvl 1 frost bolt + polymorph and all that jazz?
speaking from experience, mages seem to be terribly funny. you could also try feral/balance druid, which provides a challenge, AND, if you wanna swap to healer, its right there.

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