there will no doubt be minor tweaks. there has not existed an expansion that have not tweaked twinking gear in one way or the other. my best bet is, gather all your gear from wailing caverns and SFK. Blizz may very likely give one/more a revamp.
there is a possibility of some new low level gear from panda zones, but if it is like goblin/worgens it won't really matter cause around level 10 they are sent to old zones. i hope thay actually add a new low level instance based on the panda lore with some quests for blues or some new drops
as for jutebraid gloves, deadskull shield, wingblade, gutter blade, and inferno robe are not overly gamebreaking like some of the GF'd item in other brackets.
If you have all the gear sets possible for your twinks this shouldnt be a problem, the only thing im worried about in MoP with casters is the way blizz suggested convert spirit > mana and int only giving spell power and crit.
Yeah im sure it would be nice not going oom soo fast but it would/may serverly effect your mana pool if your havin to also stack another stat.