haven't played since april. Help me out here.
I see all the talent and skill changes and stuff. Is the demon hunter playable for vets?.
How are que times on alliance, is there a large power gap between 20 and 29?
What is the class/spec tier list?
How does scaling work now? is it just get as much ilvl as possible?
Also, why are rogues using Jagged Wing Slasher when its ilvl is 11?
haven't played since april. Help me out here.
I see all the talent and skill changes and stuff. Is the demon hunter playable for vets?.
How are que times on alliance, is there a large power gap between 20 and 29?
What is the class/spec tier list?
How does scaling work now? is it just get as much ilvl as possible?
Also, why are rogues using Jagged Wing Slasher when its ilvl is 11?