US Get me up to date, ty.


haven't played since april. Help me out here.
I see all the talent and skill changes and stuff. Is the demon hunter playable for vets?.
How are que times on alliance, is there a large power gap between 20 and 29?
What is the class/spec tier list?
How does scaling work now? is it just get as much ilvl as possible?
Also, why are rogues using Jagged Wing Slasher when its ilvl is 11?
Why don't u just test out the classes your self. You can read almost anything about Demon Hunters and know they start well above level 20 as they are a Hero Class. Tier list is never needed, get in the game and play what you like to play. Not sure about the rogue part but to get scaling you just equip your class armory type in every slot to get a addition 5% stats. Mage Warlock and Priest can equip wands and a offhand that gives a additional 5% Stats. Classes seem to handle ilvl differently but you need a very high ilvl to even see a 1-2% stat change. If u want to know q times just q. If you want to determine a power gap just q. That being said the gap seems to be getting smaller and smaller along with many 29s egos.
well banned for 2 more weeks deciding whether i should download the game rn so i cant really test it myself

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