German forums?


Hey, I know there is a french twink forums, but does anyone know if there is a German one?

This would help me a lot please. Thanks.
not that i know of....even though i fail to see how that would help you
Falkor said:
not that i know of....even though i fail to see how that would help you

Trying to learn more german, my school no longer offers it.

I visit forums daily, so I was thinking maybe a German twink forum would help.
would probably be too much slang and phrases you dont know to be useful. i'd suggest checking out rosetta stone from a library near you (might be at a public or university one), or *cough* torrenting it *cough*...or some kind of other audio tape/book combo, or even enrolling at a community college during the school year or summer. all would be a better way to get a more fundamental understanding rather than jumping into a forum
Let me google that for you

can't find anyone then it don't is one simple as that.

Google is your best friend :)

Godnatt Vortalex^^.(2 Gold till den som kan lista ut vad det betyder :O)

< german nativespeaker, if that is any help to you.

Anyways, I dont know of any german twinkforums either, actually did a bit of research a while ago, and wasnt successful on that one.
Only one I knew of was a level 29 twink that was German player based. It closed about 2 years ago though. I think it was iirc.

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