Gemming for 10's and 11's


I saw that there's a 20's guide for jewel crafting does that guide apply to 10's as well? I saw it was written in 2020. Just curious if anything has changed. Looking to get gems for my 11 toon on a F2P account and wondering how hard and tedious it is to craft the 2+2 gems?

Also is it possible to get the Hellfire PvP gems on an 11?

20's jewelcrafting
farming mats and juggling profs to get gems on a str character is very tedious without access to the AH or warbank. If you have a bnet linked F2P or Vet account, however, you can drop mats in the warbank on your paid account and your linked F2P or Vet account will use those crafting mats, despite not being able to withdraw them. This take much of the tedium out of it.
farming mats and juggling profs to get gems on a str character is very tedious without access to the AH or warbank. If you have a bnet linked F2P or Vet account, however, you can drop mats in the warbank on your paid account and your linked F2P or Vet account will use those crafting mats, despite not being able to withdraw them. This take much of the tedium out of it.
Damn... I'm on a completely F2P account. Looking to get the 2int + 2vers or 2int + 2stam gems or th +3int gems

is it possible to get the Marks of honor hold on an 11?

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