US Future Events to be Planned for 10-19 bracket!

Warlord Daboo

10-19 Coordinator
I am happy to announce a few events that we will soon be inviting the whole community to! These events have been running with success for a few months now within my own guild, and now I offer our ideas to the public.
World PvP

Warlord of the Pit - Also known as Gladiator night. The Host will hold events in which a raid group is assembled, a /roll done. And a gladiator chosen by the lowest roll. The Gladiator must defeat every challenger in the circle. If he is defeated, the new gladiator must defeat every person in the circle. If a Gladiator completes the gauntlet, he wins 10k Gold! This is Held in a World Arena!

Packed House - Packed house is an event in which teams of 2 compete in a Gladiator style tournament similar to Warlord of The Pit! Events are held in World Arenas, no 2 healer teams are allowed to participate!

The Zangarmarsh Conflict - Wpvp event in which Teams of atleast 25 from horde and alliance will compete in a battle for the East and West Beacons in Zangarmarsh!

The Battle for Hellfire- Wpvp event in which teams of atleast 25 from horde and alliance compete in a battle for Broken Hill, The Stadium, and The Overlook. Smaller games can be played in single bases with less numbers

The Battle for Gilneas City - Wpvp event in which teams of atleast 25 horn Horde and Alliance compete in a battle to control the City of Gilneas and its 4 districts.

Instanced PvP

Pvp Brawl : Arathi Annihilation
Teams of 8-15 each will compete in TDM style battle in Arathi Basin under Tournament Rules. One player from each team will cap 2 bases for their team while the teams clash at Mines no capping bases that are not being battled over, 3 healers min on both sides. 1k to each player on winning team, 2 extra to voted MVP

Pvp Brawl : The Never-ending Storm
Teams of 8-15 will battle in Eye of The Storm under Tournament Rules. Players must all clash in the middle while one player from each team caps both bases on his side. The Mid clash will give the winning team the flag to carry and cap, no capping towers, no camping, 3 healers min on both sides.

Pvp Brawl : Warsong Deathmatch
Teams of 5-10 will compete in a TDM style battle in Warsong Gulch under Tournament Rules. Players will clash in the middle of the field and compete for the most Killing Blows in 20 minutes. No Camping, No Capping, Just Slaughter! 1k to each player on winning team and 2k to Voted MVP.

Pvp Brawl : Deep Six
Teams of 6 will compete in Warsong Gulch under Tournament rules in a Wargame. The objective is the same as a normal Wargame, but your team is limited to 6 people. No Druid or Shaman FC!

Wargames - Teams of 10 will compete in competitive Wargames in Warsong Gulch. We will also start to put together 15 man teams for potential Arathi Basin Wargames if interest is high.

Arenas - Arenas are very fun when competitive, we will hold events involving 2v2 tournaments, 3v3 tournaments and even 5v5 tournaments! Get you teams together now to compete or you will be assigned a random partner at the time of events.

All rewards depend on the donations received for the event! Warlords of Warsong will donate gold to almost every event, but we need some help as well to attract even more activity!

I would love to see these events being held within guilds or groups of friends without my planning, stay active and civil and be creative. We are also looking for more out of the box ideas for new events, so throw them at me!
Add me on Battletag I will get you into some of the Wargame/Arena and or any of the other instanced pvp events! We are working on more Alliance cooperation, as of now the events are run on Horde Daboo#11580

Edit : lol just seen your title, I will get you in with us in events that are possible I want to talk more when I get on later
Add me on Battletag I will get you into some of the Wargame/Arena and or any of the other instanced pvp events! We are working on more Alliance cooperation, as of now the events are run on Horde Daboo#11580

Edit : lol just seen your title, I will get you in with us in events that are possible I want to talk more when I get on later
Btw dab if you don't know purj then you aren't a real 19

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