Fury warrior stat preferences + other questions


So, I haven't really played fury much, mainly been focusing on arms because of reasons. Was testing gearsets out yesterday for fury, I tried an AP set, a crit set, and a haste set. I didn't feel like much of a difference between them, but IMO haste set didn't perform really well. Can't say if crit or AP were better or perhaps should go for a balanced set, and to be honest I'm not taking haste set out of the equation yet before I see other opinions about it.

I would really like some input by players who have spent some time playing f2p warriors (or veteran, but then try to post things looking from a f2p perspective please), on gearing choices, BiS pieces, pieces that my warrior should probably get, and stuff.

Also, thoughts about http://www.wowhead.com/item=6909/strike-of-the-hydra? Worth getting 2 for dual procs? I've been trying to keep it in mainhand till I get poison proc / bloodsurge, then switch to a better weapon untill I need to apply poison again. Would 2 hydras be overkill?

Here are the sets I threw together (probs none of them bis, takin suggestions for bettering them [click alt set 1 and 2 for different sets])
Level 20 Pandaren Warrior | WoW World of Warcraft Armory Profiles | Masked Armory

TLDR; How the fuck do I gear a f2p fury warr
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Fury being my favorite spec since like forever (vanilla), f2p fury will disappoint you more than not. It's just not good in f2p at all. That being said simple gear choices, don't go crazy, you want to stay with the regular f2p stuff and not look for special procs, use 2x arcanite reaper, and your choice of trinkets/maybe a thorbia's gauntlet/preferably better rings (IE demon bandx2) than what I have on but here:

Mavendan @ Perenolde - Community - World of Warcraft

+ I will say and people will disagree, haste is subpar to crit in fury. I would not recommend dread pirate ring or stendels, strength is by far superior to other stat choices on warriors.
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Back when Old and I tested this, we went into it expecting Crit Fury to be far superior.

Our Methodology for testing was having him try on different sets while DPSing into my Restoration Druid while healing (3000 health).

We found that the DPS for Haste Fury outperformed Crit Fury by about 30% (something like 150 to 200) over the course of the 5 minute DPS window.

In fact, Haste Fury was even able to kill my Druid before we made it to the end of the DPS test with 3 WS procs in a row.

By contrast, 3 WS procs in a row from Crit Fury were simply not able to even get me below half health.

The difference in pressure and in burst is gigantic between the two sets. Go Haste, in my opinion.

This is something like the set that Old used: Haste Fury

Edit: For clarity, we performed tests in both sets dozens of times. Without massive RNG, Haste Fury was not able to consistently burst down my Druid. However, it was able to OOM me, which is something that Crit Fury struggled to do.
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As a Fury Warrior you can dual wield '2-handed' weapons, which means you deal more damage with Auto Attacks then the other specs, which makes haste very viable.
As a Fury Warrior you can dual wield '2-handed' weapons, which means you deal more damage with Auto Attacks then the other specs, which makes haste very viable.

Dropping the Bloodthirst cooldown to 4 seconds also maximizes your up-time on Enrage, since you will get 2 Bloodthirsts before the Enrage buff wears off (Haste reduces the cooldown on Bloodthirst).

Haste also reduces the Global Cooldown for all of the warrior's abilities, which synchronizes well with Bloodsurge. I can't back this with data, but the feel I get from Haste Fury is that the GCD gets reduced below 1 second for Bloodsurged Wild Strikes. The burst with a full rage bar + a Bloodsurge proc is absolutely monstrous.
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I think Fury has really good DPS consistency after the Cooldowns are blown.

I played Fury Warrior, with Haste stack (was better in PvE), and I found Versatility to be more effective, I feel like the Stat priority went like this: Strength > Stamina > Versatility > Haste > Critical Strike.

Arms has higher Ability damage (better CC, AoE and DoT's aswell), but Fury has higher Auto Attack Damage.

Fury Warrior with Haste stack is BiS for Damage when your in PvE, everything is so smooth and goes well, Hitting over 1k like it is nothing, and doing it consistently too.

But in PvP for Fury Warriors to shine they always have to be within Melee-Attack Range of their Opponent for their Auto-Attacks to make up for their Damage (also to generate Rage), which just isn't happening, by the time you reach your Opponent, your Bloodsurge wears off so relying on that (+ the luck of getting Bloodsurge in the first place) is not good.

This is why Arms Warrior (Balanced Set) with Versatility stack is more effective in PvP and will also top the DPS Scoreboard more often then Fury Warriors do.

Because they get their Cooldowns off, chase their Target whilst their down, and then get them off again when they're up, doing all of this with Versatility Enchants means you're taking less Damage when you are gap closing, and also your Versatility Enchants make your Abilities stronger by 13% ish and your Arms Spec Passive gives an extra 10% Ability Damage too (if you're wielding a 2-Handed Weapon, which should be a given).

Warriors don't have the same Bursty explosive Melee kit that Feral Druids/Rogues do, it is a more of a 'consistent Damage over time' brawler kit which means that a Balanced Set is better then a Glass Cannon Set because making sure you're alive for more then 10 seconds is what makes a Warrior good in the first place so all the Damage can be dealt over time.

Fury Warriors in PvP are at their best when you're in a 2v2 Arena (I've tried this), with a Class that has some CC and Heals like a Monk or Shaman etc, because there is enough CC to make sure you are in Melee-Range of the opponent for the majority of the time, so you're able to do acceptable amounts of Damage even if your Bloodsurge isn't popping at all (which is worst case scenario).

When it comes to generating Rage, Fury Warriors generate less Rage per Swing (because you have 2 Swings) then an Arms Warrior, AND Fury Warriors also have a Higher Rage Cost to use their Abilities, so the only way to make up for it is to ALWAYS be in Melee-Attack Range of the Opponent to have a constant flow of Rage generation and Rage dump, which doesn't happen at all.

Arms Warriors have 'Thunder Clap' also which is better CC then the Fury version of CC which is 'Piercing Howl' because it does Damage and has a lower Rage Cost.

Also Arms Warriors have a 40%ish stronger Execute which is handy for finishing off Enemies, especially finishing off low healthed 'bubbled/trinketed' Healers who are trying to Heal themselves up.

So for a Warrior:

- Option no1. Arms Warrior, Balanced set, Versatility Enchants. BiS for PvP.

- Option no2. Fury Warrior, Balanced set (or slightly more offensive), Haste Enchants. BiS for PvE.

That is my Conclusion.

NOW, in PvP, if your Opponent stood still and didn't resist/kite at all like a PvE mob does, THEN 'Option no2' would also be the BiS PvP set for DPS output, but as we all know, that isn't the case.
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I think Fury has really good DPS consistency after the Cooldowns are blown.

I played Fury Warrior, with Haste stack (was better in PvE), and I found Versatility to be more effective, I feel like the Stat priority went like this: Strength > Stamina > Versatility > Haste > Critical Strike.

Arms has higher Ability damage (better CC, AoE and DoT's aswell), but Fury has higher Auto Attack Damage.

Fury Warrior with Haste stack is BiS for Damage when your in PvE, everything is so smooth and goes well, Hitting over 1k like it is nothing, and doing it consistently too.

But in PvP for Fury Warriors to shine they always have to be within Melee-Attack Range of their Opponent for their Auto-Attacks to make up for their Damage (also to generate Rage), which just isn't happening, by the time you reach your Opponent, your Bloodsurge wears off so relying on that (+ the luck of getting Bloodsurge in the first place) is not good.

This is why Arms Warrior (Balanced Set) with Versatility stack is more effective in PvP and will also top the DPS Scoreboard more often then Fury Warriors do.

Because they get their Cooldowns off, chase their Target whilst their down, and then get them off again when they're up, doing all of this with Versatility Enchants means you're taking less Damage when you are gap closing, and also your Versatility Enchants make your Abilities stronger by 13% ish and your Arms Spec Passive gives an extra 10% Ability Damage too (if you're wielding a 2-Handed Weapon, which should be a given).

Warriors don't have the same Bursty explosive Melee kit that Feral Druids/Rogues do, it is a more of a 'consistent Damage over time' brawler kit which means that a Balanced Set is better then a Glass Cannon Set because making sure you're alive for more then 10 seconds is what makes a Warrior good in the first place so all the Damage can be dealt over time.

Fury Warriors in PvP are at their best when you're in a 2v2 Arena (I've tried this), with a Class that has some CC and Heals like a Monk or Shaman etc, because there is enough CC to make sure you are in Melee-Range of the opponent for the majority of the time, so you're able to do acceptable amounts of Damage even if your Bloodsurge isn't popping at all (which is worst case scenario).

When it comes to generating Rage, Fury Warriors generate less Rage per Swing (because you have 2 Swings) then an Arms Warrior, AND Fury Warriors also have a Higher Rage Cost to use their Abilities, so the only way to make up for it is to ALWAYS be in Melee-Attack Range of the Opponent to have a constant flow of Rage generation and Rage dump, which doesn't happen at all.

Arms Warriors have 'Thunder Clap' also which is better CC then the Fury version of CC which is 'Piercing Howl' because it does Damage and has a lower Rage Cost.

Also Arms Warriors have a 40%ish stronger Execute which is handy for finishing off Enemies, especially finishing off low healthed 'bubbled/trinketed' Healers who are trying to Heal themselves up.

So for a Warrior:

- Option no1. Arms Warrior, Balanced set, Versatility Enchants. BiS for PvP.

- Option no2. Fury Warrior, Balanced set (or slightly more offensive), Haste Enchants. BiS for PvE.

That is my Conclusion.

NOW, in PvP, if your Opponent stood still and didn't resist/kite at all like a PvE mob does, THEN 'Option no2' would also be the BiS PvP set for DPS output, but as we all know, that isn't the case.

Hey man, this is a good representation of how to build and play a Vet Warrior - but this is the F2P section, and we don't have access to that content.

Also, I wouldn't say that Arms has better CC. It's AoE slow comes from a better ability overall, perhaps, but the actual crowd control is better for Fury.

Thunderclap has a cooldown and a smaller radius than Piercing Howl, which only has a modest rage cost in comparison.
If I recall piercing howl and thunderclap both cost 10 ragr

You're right there - at one point I think the Protection Warrior passive that reduced the cost of Thunderclap by 100% also affected Arms.

Unless my memory is fading, which it very well could be.
You're right there - at one point I think the Protection Warrior passive that reduced the cost of Thunderclap by 100% also affected Arms.

Unless my memory is fading, which it very well could be.

Arms passive drops cost by 50% so 10 rage

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