Furbolg Medecin Pouch Guide.


Hello fellow's, after so many have asked me how to get the Furbolg Medecine Pouch, wich is an Off Hand, that gives 10 Sta, and heals you for 100 pr. sec. for 10 seconds. But this healing doesn't work for a lvl 19 twink, dunno with higher lvl's.

First you need to get to Felwood, it is on Kalimdor above Ashenvale. Then you gotta die and realese spirit.

Then you log on your other account and log on a char above lvl 70, or if you dont have 2 account's, you need to have a lvl 70+ to help you.

When he is there, you press 'Follow' on him in Ghost Form. When you have done that, your helping freind, or other char, just need to kill the Furbolgs in the South-Western corner of Felwood, or at the North-Eastern corner besides Timbermaw Hold.

You will get Rep. with The Timbermaw Hold, but no Exp. You start at Unfreindly, then Neutral, then Freindly and at last Honored. I dont remember how much Rep. you get pr. mob, but I think it's 25 or 75 :D

It is rather easy, but it take's a hell lot of time. It took me 4 hours with a lvl 74 Feral Druid.

Good luck and have fun.
25 rep per kill.

healing works for the level posted :3

you can even get the pouch at level 1, die, run yourself to winterspring and go have a ballin' time with +10 stamina at level 1 ;)
canihascookie said:
25 rep per kill.

healing works for the level posted :3

you can even get the pouch at level 1, die, run yourself to winterspring and go have a ballin' time with +10 stamina at level 1 ;)

20 Rep per kill actually.
Batgnome, I think I might rewrite this guide just because its very poorly written, not good data, and grammar, spelling mistakes everywhere.

And no, it doesn't depend on your level.
Do that please, Im very bad at english, and it's like 2 year's since I've done it. It's just beacuse many ppl on my server asks me how to get it, and then I decided to write this so I could say "Check it on Twinkinfo.com" D:
Batgnom said:
Do that please, Im very bad at english, and it's like 2 year's since I've done it. It's just beacuse many ppl on my server asks me how to get it, and then I decided to write this so I could say "Check it on Twinkinfo.com" D:


If you're looking to snatch yourself the highly valued [item]Furbolg Medicine Pouch[/item] then the following may be of use to you. The +heal is unavailable at the lower levels so please be aware that if that's why you're going for it it won't work. If however the stam is sexy to you then by all means have at it.

The Scene:


-Winterspring is a viable alternative if you prefer even more solitude, or the mobs are over farmed in Felwood

What you're going to need and the setup:

-2 accounts, or your twink, and a friend preferably at 70+ for speed.

-A solid playlist, or be talking to some friends on ventrillo.


-You're going to need to run to Felwood, and corpse hop to the area you're going to farm in. Of note is the fact that the new "hog" [item]Mechano-hog[/item] , and mammoths [item]Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth[/item] can carry passengers, which can save you time if you'd rather be carried to the area first, and then just suicide to the mobs you're looking for. Remember to be in ghost form for this. It would be rather silly to ding doing this after all.

Now about that Rep:

You start at 2500/3000 Hostile, and you're looking to hit Honored.

-Normal mobs assuming you aren't a human give you 20 rep each.

-Chiefs, and rares grant 60 each.

Now Assuming you just kill normal mobs Going from


(500) + (3000) + (3000) + (6000) = 12,500

12,500/20= 625 mobs

Assuming you kill, and let's be realistic with moving around to find, and respawning so an average of 10 a minute on average.

625/10= 62.5 Minutes. Again this sounds like a small amount of time, but this is assuming ideal conditions, and getting all spawns realistically expect to either do a 2 to 3 hour session, or a few 1 hour sessions depending on your threshold/tolerance for mindless/boring grinding.

What you're looking for: There are a few furbolgs you're looking for as well as a few locations you can find them at. If one spot is farmed go to another.

In case you're new to WoW, or simply never killed one before here's what you're looking for:


Please note that chiefs, and some rarespawns may be white, or silver.

Please note (denotes reputation gained per kill of a single one of this mob ie (20) means 20 reputation a kill)

Firstly, in Northern Felwood closest to the Timbermaw Hold you'll find the following:

Deadwood Avenger (20) ,Deadwood Den Watcher(20), Deadwood Shaman(20),

The Chieftain Bloodmaw(60), and a couple of Winterspring furbolgs(20) chilling near a cauldron in the village.

Mobs found in the southern part of Felwood are Overlord Roar(60), a rarespawn(60)(name escapes me at the moment), Deadwood Warrior(20), Deadwood Gardener(20), and Deadwood Pathfinder(20).

A map for reference:


For Reference

If you want to farm Mageweave kill the ones close to Emerald Sanctuary. If you do not, or if you want runecloth the ones near Timbermaw Hold are for you. The only real difference in between the mobs is level range, and therefore quality of loot (What the greys vendor for, and what blues/epics you may find). I won't bother listing mob abilities since any level 70+ should be able to ignore most anything they can do. If request are made I'll throw something together, but again it shouldn't be needed.

I need to sleep so I'll upgrade this if anyone even deems it useful/decent, and I'll add the Winterspring ones as well. I'll also re size the pictures.

I apologize I didn't even realize how huge they were.
i helped a friend with this. it was easy with a 58 dk, so 70+ is not needed. sure, it speeds the killing up, but i was able to kill the mobs with 2-3 hits. i found felpaw village a good place, just run in circles around the lake.
Yep Felpaw Village is the best place; not that far from mob to mob. And you are much closer to the NPC you buy the pouch of.

Thanks Zoom for the re-writing.
Zoomacroom said:

If you're looking to snatch yourself the highly valued [item]Furbolg Medicine Pouch[/item] then the following may be of use to you. The +heal is unavailable at the lower levels so please be aware that if that's why you're going for it it won't work. If however the stam is sexy to you then by all means have at it.

The Scene:


-Winterspring is a viable alternative if you prefer even more solitude, or the mobs are over farmed in Felwood

What you're going to need and the setup:

-2 accounts, or your twink, and a friend preferably at 70+ for speed.

-A solid playlist, or be talking to some friends on ventrillo.


-You're going to need to run to Felwood, and corpse hop to the area you're going to farm in. Of note is the fact that the new "hog" [item]Mechano-hog[/item] , and mammoths [item]Reins of the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth[/item] can carry passengers, which can save you time if you'd rather be carried to the area first, and then just suicide to the mobs you're looking for. Remember to be in ghost form for this. It would be rather silly to ding doing this after all.

Now about that Rep:

You start at 2500/3000 Hostile, and you're looking to hit Honored.

-Normal mobs assuming you aren't a human give you 20 rep each.

-Chiefs, and rares grant 60 each.

Now Assuming you just kill normal mobs Going from


(500) + (3000) + (3000) + (3000) = 9,500

9,500/20= 475 mobs

Assuming you kill, and let's be realistic with moving around to find, and respawning so an average of 10 a minute on average.

475/10= 47.5 Minutes. Again this sounds like a small amount of time, but this is assuming ideal conditions, and getting all spawns realistically expect to either do a 2 to 3 hour session, or a few 1 hour sessions depending on your threshold/tolerance for mindless/boring grinding.

What you're looking for: There are a few furbolgs you're looking for as well as a few locations you can find them at. If one spot is farmed go to another.

In case you're new to WoW, or simply never killed one before here's what you're looking for:


Please note that chiefs, and some rarespawns may be white, or silver.

Please note (denotes reputation gained per kill of a single one of this mob ie (20) means 20 reputation a kill)

Firstly, in Northern Felwood closest to the Timbermaw Hold you'll find the following:

Deadwood Avenger (20) ,Deadwood Den Watcher(20), Deadwood Shaman(20),

The Chieftain Bloodmaw(60), and a couple of Winterspring furbolgs(20) chilling near a cauldron in the village.

Mobs found in the southern part of Felwood are Overlord Roar(60), a rarespawn(60)(name escapes me at the moment), Deadwood Warrior(20), Deadwood Gardener(20), and Deadwood Pathfinder(20).

A map for reference:


For Reference

If you want to farm Mageweave kill the ones close to Emerald Sanctuary. If you do not, or if you want runecloth the ones near Timbermaw Hold are for you. The only real difference in between the mobs is level range, and therefore quality of loot (What the greys vendor for, and what blues/epics you may find). I won't bother listing mob abilities since any level 70+ should be able to ignore most anything they can do. If request are made I'll throw something together, but again it shouldn't be needed.

I need to sleep so I'll upgrade this if anyone even deems it useful/decent, and I'll add the Winterspring ones as well. I'll also re size the pictures.

I apologize I didn't even realize how huge they were.

Copy Paste your work and make a new thread. This is amazing info. Good job!

Just one little detail, Friendly to honored is 6000 rep not 3000, so you have to redo the math :(

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