Funding Alliance 10s on Firetree! (US)


I was told that for this bracket, Alliance is what needs the most players. So I am willing to fund 10 twinks on alliance firetree for those who are willing to be dedicated to their toon to help spark more active games for this bracket. (Gold, not character transfers)

If you are interested, please PM me here, or whisper anyone on.

Guild name- FALCO PUNCH

Funding- 10s, and possibly 14s for those who don't want to play 10.

Whisper anyone on and inform them that you saw the funding recruitment post on TI for funding. Thanks!
wewt ty sir, for hopefully sprreading more interest into the bracket

turtlemonger, co gm of beats on fourteens
Anytime. I've been getting tired of 19s, and I've tried 70s and didn't like them much. I'm going off my better judgement of what people have been telling me about 10s and I'm giving it a go.
Looking forward to seeing you around. Hopefully you can spark some alliance interest and we can get weekly games. It's been a bust, but i still love my 10
I would not mind 14s at all, but I do not have any level 14 BoEs in the guild bank yet if they are required. Just PM me any real ID or w/e and I can get back to you guys.

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