Fund Me? - just renewed


Hey-o I have been out of the twinking scene since the patch when xp was able to be turned off and recently I have been yearning to come back. I had to quit for personal real life reasons before but now that I am back want to jump right back into twinking!

I do have an 80 and 4 other twinks but my realm is void of twink life it seems :( so now I am looking for a new realm to twink on and down the road maybe transfer my 80 to for further funding my own twinks, so I am really just looking for somebody to give me a hand in finding a new home. :D
Check out Fishing Buddies on Manno

or District 19 on Warsong :3

Horde OFC
Fishin Buddies - Horde

HIGHLY recomended. On server mannoroth.

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