Thought some people might like to enjoy watching an interesting way to overcome Frost Mages!
Yes, as mentioned before on these forums I DID stack Frost resistance, which is why the mages do next to NO damage on me whatsoever. Don't talk to me about fair play- this is a twink bracket, players are ENCOURAGED to manipulate game mechanics, and in this case I did so with the intent to overpower an already EXTREMELY OP class.
Game mechanics aside, I really am a lousy paladin pvp'er. My main is a hunter, so you see me strafing a lot, lol. Although ironically, rogues are no longer a problem... 60% reduction in physical damage + 30% resil + defensive cd's turns the tide in my favor pretty quickly. Also if you're wondering what's with the int shield, I like the +34 int better than +11 stam. Plus the stam shield looks fucking ugly as sin.
Also the vid is pretty retarded, basically added an intro, an ending, one transition, some music. I'm still getting used to After Effects (teaching myself) so bare with me.