frogturtle is not the best frog in this bracket


I have the best frog jokes to ever grace the 19 bracket, prove me wrong. To be completely honest, you guys should be thanking me every time I set foot in a BG. Have you ever heard @Frogturtle tell a frog joke? Didn't think so. In every BG I've ever been in with Frogturtle, he's had the lowest FJs I've ever seen. Here's a scoreboard from a random battleground on a Tuesday night that should be viewed as nothing other than irrefutable proof of who is the top FJer in the bracket:


How do you tell the difference between a frog and a horny toad?
-A frog says ribbit ribbit. A horny toad says rubbit rubbit.

What is a frog's favorite drink?
-Hot croako from his favorite restaurant iHop.

Frogturtle, you're gonna need a hoperation when I'm done with you. I'll be waiting for your ribbutal. Don't croak on me.

Frogchamp AKA R1 FJ Lord out


P.S. Here's a bonus picture of his PC

Sick turtle tho
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Proper post, never seen frogturtle scared to respond to a challenge, maybe you are bringing up a good point, frogturtle isn't what he use to be, down falls the kingdom, uprises a new frogchamp.

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