Freezing Band for Holy Pally

From what I've read, the proc on this thing is pretty amazing and it's got a healthy chunk of spellpower, but do you think it's worth it for a Holy Paladin?

I'd like your thoughts.



Silver Hand
I have the exact same question for a mage. Anyone know this?
Shares DR with both stuns and roots, be careful. Would definately use as a Holy Pally (at least one) for the RNG. Not aure about a mage, it could seriously fuck you over if you nova right as it procs. Seems like a godly choice for DPS stacking rather than survivalist mages tho.
I use 1 freezing+ cyclopean on my disc priest and there is nothing sweeter than when it procs, I would say that a holy paly should do the same.
darzk said:
Shares DR with both stuns and roots, be careful. Would definately use as a Holy Pally (at least one) for the RNG. Not aure about a mage, it could seriously fuck you over if you nova right as it procs. Seems like a godly choice for DPS stacking rather than survivalist mages tho.

The proc is classified as a stun and therefore share DRs with stuns and not roots, therefore you are safe on a mage when it procs as you frost nova.
either get that or deadmans hand imo. im pretty sure both or at least DMH can proc off ranged attacks so its pretty sweet to root a ranged attacker and just have them go /boggle

i dont have either atm, but ive played against ppl with them and its no fun, especially as a warrior where the only thing i have to escape is a trinket!
Exactly as Falkor said..... Freezing band canonly proc from melee attacks.. while Deadmans hand procs off all damage sources and has 100 health.
But DMH only snares, Freezing Band prevents all actions.

And I was pretty sure it counted as a root, guess not. Thanks for the correction.

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