Free trial (Non vet) loot restrictions??


New Member
I figured I would bring this up here rather than a blizzard forum because many of you are well-versed in all things F2p and trial accounts. I recently decided to create a new bnet with the intention of achievement hunting/questing/collecting on a free trial level 20 rather than dumping money into retail again for the same old bi-annual expansion launch grind we have all come to know. I only started this new journey a few days ago and have already encountered an unforeseen hiccup. I submitted a ticket in hopes that this was a bug and not a hidden restriction.

Yesterday I was questing in Draenor and encountered the rare Pathrunner. I killed it knowing it had a 100% chance mount drop. I got the mount and was excited to add to my minuscule collection of 8 mounts. No issues here. Today, I was in Draenor's Nagrand and found the rare Luk'hok which also has a 100% drop chance. I was excited to see another guaranteed mount. I was confused to find out that he was level 35 while I was 20. I was under the assumption that the world scaled to my level in all zones besides those meant for higher level players. This seemed like a dead end on getting that mount as I couldn't talk in trade chat or invite anyone to a group for help. I then remembered the newcomer chat which I was allowed to talk in so I mentioned the mount. I got a few replies and 3 level 70ish players invited me to a group. They came to Nagrand and party synced with me. We could all see each other and I was confident I was getting this mount. We proceeded to attack the rare and after a minute or so of fighting, we took it down. Two people from the party got the mount for the first time. I ran to loot it and noticed I was unable. There was no loot for me, just a dead carcass of lost hope. Is this blizzards way of ensuring a free trial level 20 cannot acquire loot from a level 35 that they have no chance of killing alone? Or did I just get cheesed with a bug?​

While on the topic of rare mounts, I left the scene of the 0/100% mount drop and headed for Frostfire ridge to look for Nok-Karosh in hopes of getting the garn nighthowl mount. As I type this I am currently flying right above him and while he is scaled to my level (in fact, one level below me,) he has 72,000 health in comparison to my not even 2,000. Not to mention all the elites he is surrounded by which can (from experience moments ago) kill me in three hits. What is this about? There's no way I can do that. I'd ask for help again, but I'd hate to be robbed of a second 100% chance mount on the same night. I preordered WoD when it came out and I played the hell out of it those first few months. Since then, I've only come back to the game for the first 6ish months of Shadowlands and Dragonflight, and haven't set foot in Draenor until a few days ago. Are 10 year old elites still being non-soloable a common thing and I've just not noticed?

Im very new to the trial account thing, I don't understand how it all works, but I'm still giving it a go for the sake of fun. If anyone has any insight or help, I'd appreciate the conversation. Thanks!
Zones that do not scale to your level will not typically drop loot for you. The rule of thumb is anything 11+ levels higher than you will not drop loot. As for Nok-Karosh, it can probably be done on a Tank, or Hunter, if not then, yeah, you may need to form a group.
Zones that do not scale to your level will not typically drop loot for you. The rule of thumb is anything 11+ levels higher than you will not drop loot. As for Nok-Karosh, it can probably be done on a Tank, or Hunter, if not then, yeah, you may need to form a group.
Wow, I'm dim. I failed to notice the other zones in Draenor do not scale to my level. I assumed through Chromie time that the whole xpac would scale. I now see that actually every xpac seems to outscale me in certain zones, excluding shadowlands which seems to scale in all zones. Thats interesting. I was hoping to play through each xpac one at a time and experience/complete them in full for the first time ever. Now I see that my whole goal is pretty much in shambles. I should have done more research I suppose. What a bummer. I missed most expansions and never played through one to completion and was hoping to use Chromie as a way to play through the stories as if they were just being told. Seems that I'll have to fork over money for that experience, which does make sense for the amount of content there is.
Wow, I'm dim. I failed to notice the other zones in Draenor do not scale to my level. I assumed through Chromie time that the whole xpac would scale. I now see that actually every xpac seems to outscale me in certain zones, excluding shadowlands which seems to scale in all zones. Thats interesting. I was hoping to play through each xpac one at a time and experience/complete them in full for the first time ever. Now I see that my whole goal is pretty much in shambles. I should have done more research I suppose. What a bummer. I missed most expansions and never played through one to completion and was hoping to use Chromie as a way to play through the stories as if they were just being told. Seems that I'll have to fork over money for that experience, which does make sense for the amount of content there is.

There is still a lot of content to do at level 20, don't let that deter you.
I've had the same thing happen to me, my first time in WoD Nagrand was also my first time in a zone over 30 and I was like "damn those mobs are tough as hell" then I killed a rare and wondered where was the loot.

To be honest, there isn't much to do in those higher level zones besides the exploration achievement (which aren't even hard now that we have flying, I do reccomend you to try it on a ground mount for the best experience). You can still loot in level 25/30 zones so there is still a bunch of stuff to fo there.

That said, we do get most zones anyways : we have all of vanilla zones, all of TBC besides Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm (both 25), all of Wrath besides Storm Peaks and Icecrown (both 25), we sadly don't have any Cataclysm zones but since they scale to 30 we can still loot stuff there, in Pandaria we have the 4 first zones (Jade Forest, Krasarang Wilds (Townlong, Dread Wastes and Timeless Isle are 25-30), Valley of the Four Winds and Kun-lai), For WoD we lack Nagrand, Taanan (35/40, not much there) and Spires of Arak (30), For Legion every zone we lack is req 25 so almost nothing on these, we lack the Broken Shore and Suramar (also Argus but we can't access it anyways), in BfA we have the first 4 zones (2 per faction), Mechagon (not sure pure f2p can get there I think so but I don't remember exactly), Stormsong and Vol'dun are 30 req so some stuff to do here (dungeons in the zone scale to 20) and Nazjatar is locked behind level 50 and a questline so nothing for us.
For SL -if you really want to go there- We get all 4 zones, a bit of the Maw in the intro and no Zereth Mortis for us.
For DF it's the Waking Shores and Ohn'ara Plains, Azure Span is level 30 so a bunch of rares/achieves there and Thaldraszus is 40. Zaralek, Emerald Dream and Forbidden Shores are all 70 req.

All in all very little zones do not have anything for us so as I said, lots of content.

Check outéle (@Conzil's character), you have a ton of achieves, mounts, pets or hell, even tmogs or titles to hunt for (or fishing, archaeology,...). If you want to consume the f2p life, you've still got a good amount of time before you hit a ceiling so yeah, go nuts mate.
Like @CroyeTchor said, you still have tons of stuff to do, I have over 1 year /played on my Shaman and still miss tons of things. So don’t get saddened by that small zone levels oversight.

I’ve made a website with all currently available F2P mounts and Pets (It has not been updated for DF content yet)

Welcome to the F2P collector club :PepeComfy:

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