Free-Charged WOW: New Business Mode

In WOW, there are 12 million online accounts, which mean that WOW is still the most profitable online game in the world, even if earnings from rechargeable cards are less than from rechargeable props. In addition, it is just wow gold that made Blizzard Entertainment break away from the financial crisis caused by new game development. But lately, in foreign online game industry, a point of view attracts wide attention: it is the high time to change WOW from rechargeable to for-free.

Those who hold that viewpoint have two reasons for it. First, free-charged online games can attract more players. Each month, there are many players to leave wow gold , but others new meanwhile join in. The total number of players keeps stead on the whole. China owns the most free-charged online game players, and the number is increasing all the time. According to a survey, free charge has become the main stream business mode of Chinese online game. If Blizzard can make world of warcraft gold for free, most available players will choose to stay and more players will join in it. Second, it is very hard for Blizzard to extend business with present earnings. After all, Blizzard is a commercial corporation. It is supported by stockholders and board of directors. Thus, high-speeding development and profit maximization are its final objects. High quality of games is just an approach to success. Moreover, periodical high-quality products do not always have wide impact, and even the business development will be blocked by some burgeoning online game corporations.

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