footpads of the freaking fang.. /wrist

I got the entire fang set in 1 stinking run, except for these boots..

I got the venonstrike instead the first try. (which I needed)

and now, 22 runs later.. still no footpads.

Its the only thing left I need from there.. for the love of all things great.. drop!
Got my Venomstike and Footpads of the fang in 2 runs if that helps calm you down any. :D
Arrggh yeah i spent about 10 runs trying to get my legs on my huntard a few months ago... no dice. i decided to try and get them again a few weeks ago and they dropped on the first run :D
Cptheals said:
Got my Venomstike and Footpads of the fang in 2 runs if that helps calm you down any. :D


The leggings took 11 extra runs though.
been running wc solo on my twink recently getting some extra spare and unnessesary gear

got 4 footpads 1 venom strike 2 savage troders (5hit 7stam 7agi minor speed)

did pythas for x2 stining vipers with icy for cc lols set took me ages to get armor was dropping like 10 times in a row eventually got em

and i farmed belt for pve set .... snakskin droped 1st run then ran it for like 8shoulders cbfed brought main and got it like on the 3rd run

ran a mate of mine got pants and boots <5runs
figured I would try first thing this morning before the maintenance..

got em first run! woot! Done with WC... for now.

On the first run, I got the leggings, 3 pairs of gloves, venomstrike, and the cloak, and a deviate hatchling.

2nd run, I got another pair of gloves, the stinging viper, and another deviate hatchling.

and 23 runs later, I had the footpads.

And, once one of these hatchling sells (2500g on my server) my twink will be nearly be paid for lol.
Hey! At least you have managed to get 22 runs. I can't get in the damn instance door because "Additional instances cannot be launched at this time."

That phrase makes me want to punch little children.
Manguy said:
Hey! At least you have managed to get 22 runs. I can't get in the damn instance door because "Additional instances cannot be launched at this time."

That phrase makes me want to punch little children.

I agree with that, atleast you were able to run the instances that many times. I couldn't even run a guildie through VC because we couldn't get in. After 20 mins of trying to enter the instance we just gave up and came back the next day and got it.
Took me 31 runs to get fang legs on my rogue. Stop complaining :)
toxic said:
I did a few solo stealth runs while I was waiting inbetween que's. Got 2boots out of 5 runs.

Wow, your a lucky one :D
The best thing that ever happened to me in WC was that Lady Anacondra dropped 2 Magefist gloves in 2 runs! First time ever that I never got a Serpent Shoulder's in there (which is what I was going for lol).

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