fist @ rogue?

Could you please put your 3 twink signatures under each other to avoid making the site just look weird.


On Topic, I'm not so familiar with 29 rogues these days, but you should always have a slow main hand, if your MH is fast, it should at least be a dagger for BS and Ambush. At least that how the shit was back in my glory days of lvl 29 twinking:)

@your sig again twink is also an alternate word for gay;)
Tbh I'd either go with Torturing poker or the boe blue for main hand for backstab ect. Or zealot blade or butchers slicer (cant spell =]) for mainhand. As for off hand again I'd go with scouts blade or butchers slicer. I really wouldn't go with fists tbh.
duel fiery/lifestealing would be the only point of uber fast fists like those, but IDK my rogues 59 and Mut spec. otherwise id say uber slow MH probably gona be the best. Id try em out but def not w/ agi. dps a target dummy w/ fiery those and see if they procc enough to make up for the slow speed :)


i play with a twink 29 rogue that has two of them both with fiery, but he didnt actually use them, just for show
Nait said:
duel fiery/lifestealing would be the only point of uber fast fists like those, but IDK my rogues 59 and Mut spec. otherwise id say uber slow MH probably gona be the best. Id try em out but def not w/ agi. dps a target dummy w/ fiery those and see if they procc enough to make up for the slow speed :)


i play with a twink 29 rogue that has two of them both with fiery, but he didnt actually use them, just for show

You're not too familiar with PPM are you.
This thread title was misleading. Also, Icy on both of them so you can be all like. I HAVE FISTS OF ICE BRO.
best enchant for the fist weapons due to speed is +5 weapon damage, a highly overlooked enchant.

duel torturing poker IMO would be better,

ICY weapon enchant is worthless, rarely procs the slow, does no extra damage. Blizz has jacked with this enchant over and over, last notes...i think 2.3 was that "it now works as intended", we tried it in our guild with matching rogues duel tests......worthless
5wep dmg on 1,6speed is 3,125dps...isn't fiery superior at least MH!?

6PPM -> 240 -> 4dps -> with softcap this is 3,24dps OH (0,81x4,67) -> not decreased by armor


talking fists, not dagger!

edit: oO failure...
our guild did some tests awhile back, it involved using easy to get "thornspike daggers" with the following enchants: icy, fiery, +3 wpn dmg

we dueled using no spells/abilities

fiery won every time, hands down against icy...rogue with duel fiery had around 400 health. icy - slowing effect did not hit in 10+ duels...never actually

+3 wpn damage enchant beat ICY everytime with over 400 health on the winner also

fiery won against +3 wpn damage, but surprizingly...winner had around 100-200 health each time

we never tried +4 or +5 due to the cost of mats.

as for the math? it is a guideline, but the PPM info is not always true.

the GM of our twink guild had crusader on a AB. before anyone flames, it was bought that way from a enchanter for 125G. crusader has the so call claimed 1 PPM. our GM was challenged to a duel by a 19 warrior with crusader on a night reaver. the warrior called our GM a noob for the AB/crusader and that it rarely procs on a dagger.

the duel started and ended with our GM winning, i witnessed the duel. crusader proc'd 4 times in that duel. warrior got one proc at the start. at the end the warrior said it was due to the lucky crusader procs. for those who claim the 1 PPM math on this enchant, i can assure you the duel did not last 4 minutes
you know how PPM works, do you?

all the math we do just states "on average" can run around 10min without a proc...
well i see posters on many forums quoting enchant PPM's/math as if they are written in solid stone. for example they don't say: "crusader has a average 1 PPM" i always see it posted as being quoted as "crusader is 1 PPM".

all i'm saying. i have seen it proc more than once in a minute, not just the duel mentioned above. in BGs facing other players who had it also, along with duels i have done.
1PPM means that when you autohit with your weapon, not missing, you will get 1 proc per minute on average.

let's say your weapon speed is 4sec per swing, you will do 15 autohits in a minute. the resulting chance to proc with every hit will be 1/15 -> 1PPM on average.

it is still a chance to proc, not a guarantee. with some instant attacks that have the same chance you will have more than 15 attacks per minute -> you will get more than 1PPM on average.

and if you are talking about the value of an enchant it is totally right to say "crusader -> 1PPM". if you alre talking about crusader on a specific weapon + used by a specific class + in a specific bracket, you should do some math to calculate the real PPM/value in that situation.

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