First twink


New Member
Hello I’m new to the concept of twinking, and I wanted to try it out but I don’t know any meta or how this all works. I wanted to try to make a marksmanship hunter twink but idk if it works. What are your tips for person starting

second question, are there haste based builds of twinks? I thought about a character that has a big attack speed and I think it may be cool but the reaserch I did let me to videos from 8-10 years ago or more and idk if this is still possible

thanks in advance for reply :)
MM hunter works, but I wouldn't consider it fun.
If I was to give tier ratings to the classes (and guess at the overall meta) I'd probably go along the lines of

A: Warrior, Druid, Monk
B: Shaman, Warlock, DH, Priest, Paladin, Evoker
C: DK, Hunter
D: Mage
F: Rogue

You can easily get haste to be over 30% if that's what you're going for, but no clue what the highest haste rating can be. If you do push a character in that direction you might be the first to do it in a long while. I imagine it's possible to get to 40% haste.

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