First Round of Sponsored Twinks Announcement


It has been a bit of a waiting game getting the feedback back from Staff and those we selected for the position due to it being summer and most people not being at their computer all that frequently.

That being said, we have made our selective and thus far have 4 out of 5 confirmed 'Sponsored Twinks'.

They are:

[MENTION=6518]Trilium[/MENTION] (Pending acceptance of being offered position)

Congratulations to you all!

We are going to be doing another round of 'Sponsored Twinks' once we see how this first round goes with these individuals.

Thank you all for your interest and we hope that these individuals will spin up fantastic articles and videos that will help TI progress even further!
Congratulations to the sponsored twinks, looking forward to the blogs and material that got you all the spot :)
Will the blogs/articles/videos be gathered into one subsection on Twinkinfo? If not, please make it easily available for the community that you so wish to educate :) Really looking forward to seeing the input from the sponsored twinks, and congratulations to you as well!
Will the blogs/articles/videos be gathered into one subsection on Twinkinfo? If not, please make it easily available for the community that you so wish to educate :) Really looking forward to seeing the input from the sponsored twinks, and congratulations to you as well!

All of the blogs and videos put together by Sponsored Twinks will be put into this forum after they are approved by me or another staff member: Twinking Blogs & Videos

These videos and blogs will be showcased on the frontapge of the site as well (at least the 3-5 newest ones will be).
not exactly what i ment but ok <3.

i ment like the old TI Displaying news about twinking not a just a forum (like

That is what we are getting back to with the creation of the 'Sponsored Twinks'. They are creating content that will be frontpage news.
awesome! im 100% for this.

btw "Sponsored" you mean getting paid for content?

It means you are getting a 30-day gamecard each month that you are writing content. So, technically, yes, they are getting paid.
Do we have a timeline as to when were going to be seeing content from the sponsored twinks?

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