First 19 twink (for a VERY long time), need a little help with warrior.


As the title says im looking to make a 19 twink, i have literally no experience in this bracket since vanilla (Where i had a hunter, which has since been levelled well beyond 19). Way back in the mists of time i always was torn between a hunter and a warrior, eventually making the hunter. Now after much deliberation regarding a twink bracket i have decided upon 19, as it seems one of the busiest EU, and more importantly ive decided on a warrior.

Ive done a bit of research, looked around on here and on WOW eu forums and it looks like right now FURY is the spec most people seem to go for. I assume that as most people use it that its the best, but why? What make fury better than arms or even prot? I remember way back when that prot was a nice build that offered more survivability to a class which at a low level has little in the way or survivability skills.

Would like advice on warrior specs, which does what and why?

Any advice would be much appretiated.
Fury has the highest DPS and the only snare warriors have at 19. Prot is very good for FCing, but arms is not too powerful. Mortal strike debuff can be nice though.
Arms supposedly is a big hitter spec but fury still hits just as hard so theres not much use for arms.
Fury has the best dps not only hitting hard but with dual wield and talents increasing white hit dmg there is always pressure on a target as well as the snare.
Prot is for FCing and its hard w/o GF gear but not impossible ofc.
Hìtherè @ Laughing Skull - Game Guide - World of Warcraft -hopefully im in my fury set sometime
pm me if you have questions
Prot isn't bad damage in it's own right, but recently I've been playing fury and it has been a lot of fun. I would try both out and see how you fair at each spec. Arms doesn't seem like much of a consideration right now.

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