Fire might actually beat frost? Nerf it.


  • Fireball damage has been reduced by roughly 6%.
  • Pyroblast damage has been reduced by roughly 6%.


Not a huge nerf but really why? Pyro is like my "Please let it proc.. oh it did... now your f***ed" spell. I don't see why a nerf is necessary considering how it is totally unreliable (I mean in an arena it might never proc then the next it proc's every scorch). Again not huge, but i couldn't help but notice there's no change to anything frost...

Like the idiot i am, I'll keep playing fire.
I've seen 32k never anything as ridiculous as 55k. If they were really doing 55k they would get a huge nerf not something small like this, considering ret pallys got there sword nerfed just as they were actually doing good damage
This is completly justified, not saying fire needs pvp nerfs, but damage is slightly too high and blizzard is slightly nerfing it. Good job on this, nothing else.

I've seen 32k never anything as ridiculous as 55k. If they were really doing 55k they would get a huge nerf not something small like this, considering ret pallys got there sword nerfed just as they were actually doing good damage

If u raid at a fairly high level lets say top100, ur mages will do 50-55k, same with arms warriors. The rest waggles behind ^^

Also ret palas were bad and they still are bad in pve dps wise :[
If you have seen endgame fire mage dps you'd understand why its getting a nerf, some mages doing 55k+ DPS on ultraxion HC..

Wait, you think 55k is rediculous? Have you done endcontent yet? The mages in my guild puleld 40k on reg Baleroc last patch as arcane. THis patch everyone in my guild is pulling 50k+ on reg ultraxtion and 60k+ on madness. Saddest part is, thats bare minimum dps for Madness 10m. And on the topic of ret palainds, ours does 50k easy- and he doesnt even have his 4set yet.
Ok, what the **** is this. I just recently switched back to my mage(old main) to play PvE for lolz as fire since it became viable again. Now they nerf it and I have to go back playing most boring spec since Cata release, arcane. Gj Blizzard, gj. It was nowhere near OP.
Yes it was stfu don't be silly....
I haven't done any endgame PvP as a Mage but I can suspect its very similar to 70s as in 1 out of every 5 has an offspec fire that he will use 1 day out of the week for PvP.

I just know that in 4.2 when I PvP'd as ret at 85 that when I saw a fire Mage it was pretty easy pickings. Seems like blizzard has decided everyone who wants to PvP should go frost and if you go as the other specs, your doing it wrong.

I find frost boring tbh I really don't like the feeling of being extremely op. Although I don't think you can get a very high rating as fire due to the amount of frost mages higher up.

Wait, you think 55k is rediculous? Have you done endcontent yet? The mages in my guild puleld 40k on reg Baleroc last patch as arcane. THis patch everyone in my guild is pulling 50k+ on reg ultraxtion and 60k+ on madness. Saddest part is, thats bare minimum dps for Madness 10m. And on the topic of ret palainds, ours does 50k easy- and he doesnt even have his 4set yet.

seen an 85 arcane mage doing 100k DPS on Deathbringer Saurfang and he wasnt gear capped - reduce it by 30% ICC buff and its 70k dps. seen a 70 arcane mage doing 8.5k DPS on Azlagor
That 100k means nothing, arcane mages start always with like 60k-80k burst which drops to..well to the normal amount after burn phase is finished.
Ok, what the **** is this. I just recently switched back to my mage(old main) to play PvE for lolz as fire since it became viable again. Now they nerf it and I have to go back playing most boring spec since Cata release, arcane. Gj Blizzard, gj. It was nowhere near OP.

I've never seen so many tears due to such a TINY nerf.
The nerf might be tiny, but the fact that I might have to go back playing arcane hits me big time.
Pyro was not needed imo.

Yes fire is doing a lot of damage in PvE now, but nerfing pyro does hit PvP quite hard(for those who pvp as fire ofcourse).

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