Fire Magies 3.1

So Mages, hows it going?

With 3.1 the static 3% buff to Fireball/Scorch at the cost of 5% overall crit from scorch seems to be a nerf to me, in the case of 1 debuff. Unless others can be applied like the locks shadowbolt.

And Impact, which now gives spells a 10% chance to make your next fireblast stun the target for 2 sec. Lasts until cast.

Im pretty sure thats more of a nerf than a buff. Used to 10% to stun on any spell, now its almost the same thing if fireblast comes right after. But since its fireblast, you have a whole 0.5 seconds of stun on them, unlike a scorch or fireball proc. This also makes the glyph lose alot (all) of its solo capability.

The plus is it gives more control over stuns, but fireblast is used almost every chance its given.

I guess after a proc you can pew pew till they get to you and 100% stun/ interrupt spells.

I actually just finished up my Fire Mage twink today but everything seemed fine to me. I was never a fan of any RNG stun talents, so I wouldn't have specced into it anyways. I like the new Imp Scorch, because even with a nerf they buffed the Glyph to 5 stacks.

I would just prefer Impact be replaced with something else but some people may like it. Just a personal opinion.
impact isn't just a means of BAMDPS anymore. have to use it intelligently as an extra interrupt as well as knowing when to throw it out just for that extra DPS.
me wants BAMDPS back^^

i want my target to get stunned from my pyro after sheep so i can cast 2 scorches before i start to use my instants.
Impact got a nerf, but since they want to remove the RNG-elements, I think they're moving towards a working solution anyhow.
Bansil said:
me wants BAMDPS back^^

i want my target to get stunned from my pyro after sheep so i can cast 2 scorches before i start to use my instants.

well you can use it as BAMDPS, but it won't maximize efficiency all the time. need to know when to BAMDPS and when to BAMURCASTISBONED. not like you can't cast 2 scorches after pyro, then stun them with FB then scorch some more anyways :D
well, 2sec stun after a 1,5sec GCD is only 0,5sec stun. dunno much about haste in this bracket, but i don't think i can get off a scorch that fast.

but it will be a nice tool to get range when running away + fireblast or need an interrupt on a caster/healer.
its not about how long the target is stunned its another inturrupt... not to mention it would work on targets other than your current for example you finish killing a rogue at a node you sit down and drink, but theres 2 inc... you have a guaranteed stun on whoever you choose... IMO this is a buff if it is used right...

not to mention bomb incap> scorch>fireblast.... still can do decent damage
if you finished the rogue without using your fireblast...

HoJ is a reliable stun, this one is crap. it can be triggered by your fireblast...then you have to wait the full CD before you can make use of it.
but what about the previous stun?

it was less reliable than the current one.

sure, you have to wait before you can use it, but it can be used as an interrupt now. plus if you want range on someone (ie a rogue) then you can fireblast + run away + scorchx2 or w/e (depending on situation) and that 2 seconds of running will allow you to cast the same amount of scorches as a situation where fireblast does not have a GCD.
there are pros and cons...

got another situation for you:

the stun is triggered by 95% of all cases you will use the FB on the next CD. FB is used on CD. this has nothing to do with "i have gained control over a brand new fantastic stun".


trying to survive against more than one attacker/supporting a teammate -> blast wave will be on CD most of the time. it was able to stun 1 or more targets immediately.


fighting against more than one target. one DD and one healer. now that you can control this new imba stun you use it as an interrupt on the healer. cool.

but if you use fireblast on the DD and use counterspell on the healer it would be the better choice in most cases.

besides this, having another interrupt is cool, but you have to wait for a trigger AND save a very powerful instant cast for it.

pros and cons...

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