Fire mage PvP help


hi, recently im leveling a mage for fire pvp BG's and arena, i was checking out a few threads but couldnt find any help.

so on the "Best in Slot player vs player" thread on the fire mage section there is no talents or glyphs so first off what is the best talents and glyphs for Bg's and arena

also i was wandering is it best to go for 40%+ crit with 300 resi or under...or...go for around 400+ resi and have about 37% crit.
i was speaking to a mate and he said for bgs i just want crit as my game style tends to be jump in like a mad man so hitting people hard is best but i will want a bit more resi for arena unless i go with a healer in 2's

if its possible could someone link chardev or armory of BiS gear and gems for Bg's and arena, both my specs going to be fire.
so one for Bg's for running around like a mad man killing everything and then one for arena to try get some decent ratings

i will be going JC and engi.
not sure what would be best tho tazik or snapsye or just get 2 of the same gloves get tazik on one and re-level engi for snapsye on the other so i can choose w.e one i fancy at the time :p

any other tips or info about fire pvp at 70 is greatly appreciated, i have an 83 fire mage so have a bit of knowledge on them but the more i know the better in my opinion :D
I made this chardev for you. chardev 9 since u asked for a gear with resi on it.
But in my opinion u can do bg/arena in full pve gear. As fire u'll take lot of dmg and 24% dmg reduction dont make the difference. Rogues will still be able to 2 shot u, frost mages will kill u with 1 frostbolt+icelance combo.
So i decided long time ago to play full pve and i think with good result. Ranta @ Defias Brotherhood - Game Guide - World of Warcraft With 0 resi i did 2.2k in 2s (with a disci priest) and 3s (with rogue+resto shammy) so i think that almost everyone else can reach the same result. About takiz/synapse. Well i had the luck to find synapse at my 1° eng lvling and i'm happy with that, the combo synapse-pyroistant+combustion is sick..
If u need some more info let me know :D
thank you so much Ranta :D
i might give pve gear a go at some point if you managed those ratings in it :)
im hoping to get snapsye first time, its alot more appealing to me then tazik but like i said before if i get tazik first il put on BiS gloves and re-level engi for snapsyes on another pair of gloves :p

just noticed you put the 128 medallion, has that been put back in the game yet? would be awesome if it has. also not sure if going human or gnome yet so if i going human would 2nd trinket be skull of guldan?
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oh sorry my bad about the medallion, didnt notice the mistake. Unfortunatly not, from what i know it's unavailable.
If is not a problem for u to spend 20€ for the race change, the best is create your mage as gnome, lvl enge, get the tinker u want, then => human for the extra trinket.
If u go human i suggest u Noise Machine - Item - World of Warcraft or 1 more Gnomish Lightning Generator - Item - World of Warcraft.
Skull of gul'dam is not bad at all but: -1) u need to drop it 2) give u less intellect then the engenering one. Yes it gives u some haste on demand but haste dont make a big difference as fire.
1 more gnomish can be a good idea too cause gives u a lot of crit (+3.80%)
ahh ok thanks, such a shame that trinket got removed, ye think il be gnome for engi then run human for racial
What if I'm human now, and not gnome. Can I still get some good engineering trinkets or should I not bother with engineering?
What if I'm human now, and not gnome. Can I still get some good engineering trinkets or should I not bother with engineering?
The only bonus for gnomes at 70 is that they can get 3/8 Cataclysm glove tinkers instead of 1/8 for all other races. Everything else is 100% obtainable by all races, including trinkets.

If you aren't aiming for 2.2K just yet, then you can just be gnome and use 2 engineering trinkets. This just means that you can't trinket a silence, which will kill you if block is on CD. As I just run randoms for fun on my Fire mage I very rarely run into problems for not having a PvP trinket. Personally I use a sound machine and lightning generator. I also have 4pc brutal and a couple offsets still, because it gives a very nice amount of crit and 4set is a small, but nice, damage boost.
My armory is Pyrø @ Kael'thas US, if you are interested at all. I don't claim to be BiS, etc.
as Weiss said as human u can get all the trinkets and u can get the tinker that u want, the problem is that u only have 1 chance instead of 3 ( if u're gnome ).
If u want takiz/synapse and u can race change u can: lvl engenering as human => see if u get the tinker u want => if u dont get it u can race change into gnome => and u get 2 more chance to get your tinker => if u're unlucky, delete enegenering and reskill it again for 3 more tinker chance.

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