Finding out when you character was created


This has had me quite curious for a long time now, but i think it would be interesting for find out the exact date that some of my characters were made, it seems as though ive had them forever but i can never recall creating them.

Does anyone know of a way to find the date that one of you characters was created?

I know /played and it doesnt help me much, ive tried looking on the armory but no luck.

If anybody knows a way and could share it, it would be much appreciated :)

Took me a while to find the section i needed but i got there.

If anyone else is interested in finding this out here is the direct link Char Search -

Like Hamcake said it doesnt look as though its 100% accurate but it was close enough for me.

I also found that if you have xfered/faction changed or altered your original character, you will need to fill in its original details :)
Not accurate, website first saw Duckhunt back in 09. Duckhunt has an achievement from back in 2007. ;(
works for meh
Doesn't work if you Faction changed/Race Changed, I dunno about transfer but the date are accurate with all my toon that I didn't touch and wrong with all of the one I used Paid-service.
I just tried this and it worked really well for me. All i knew was i made my main sometime in July 05, and it had the date when i leveled to 6 July 27, 05. I Still cant believe ive been playing the same toon for almost 6 years.

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