Field Awareness, #WSG

Because you don't have to be good at all to farm mid. Noticing and Intercepting EFC requires at least a tiny amount of awareness and the desire to play objectives. Some people lack one of those or both.
Or simply new to the game. Just because WoW has been around doesn't mean that people in the bracket including trial accounts are veterans.
very true its like saying are you stupid or blind when infact they are both, you would of atleast figure by this far into world of warcraft pvp they would atleast keep there eyes open for efc but mehhh guess some people are abit lacking brain cells

What Yde said. When I first Bged on my level 20 Ret Pally with a shield and 500hp, I didn't know what a EFC is, nor the objectives of the game. I think Blizzard needs to put an explanation of the rules of Bgs before they let players participate. Pretty much all the new players went looking for fights.
yes but majority of the people who farm mid are geared and know what there doing just choose honor farming over winning

I have never seen a geared twink farm mid. Most are normally geared with about 1.4-1.5k hp and don't respond to anything you say.
Yes, sadly I do feel the number of people who don't even want to play objectively is so large that it negatively impacts the experience of people enjoying capture-the-flag type of games.

We just can't really do much beside inform new players, call out flag positions and advise people to use the zone map. Everyone is free to play the game how they enjoy it, and a lot of people just enjoy the brawling type PvP of long mid- or roadfights close to the graveyards over capturing objectives.
clearly youve never been on a europe battleground cause thats majority of the bgs, either alliance farm or horde. please continue to comment if not get your nose off my keyboard.


you would think with the whole healers dominating bgs, people would work togethere and focus on the objects of the battleground but i guess that is not the case. indeed i have nothing wrong with new players its just when geared 20s and 24s think its a good idea to start farming
They should make a Deathmatch BG type imo. A BG where it's all about killing the opposition. Epic fights where two sides clash in a huge battle. I'm sure it will without a doubt, get rid of the mid farmers.
I haven't been playing very much lately, and only Shaman. And US, mind you. In my experience the games where both teams have a decent amount of objective players are incredibly fun, because there is coordinated offense and defense on both sides. I'd say more fun than Cata, because of the reduced burst damage and the teamwork required.

But those games are somewhat rare. I agree with something Lilhunter posted recently, it's harder now as a single player to play objectively, without team coordination and back-up.

Deathmatch sounds like it would really attract most of the WSG players Slaughter described. ^^
Or simply new to the game. Just because WoW has been around doesn't mean that people in the bracket including trial accounts are veterans.


Occasionally when I have the energy I try to let new players know about 'shift-m'. I was playing BGs for months before I discovered it, and although I always tried to be an objective-minded player, it made a big difference in actually playing with the objective in mind.

Usually I don't have the energy anymore, but it can occasionally be rewarding to nicely inform newer players of this feature :)
"There is, in fact, no scientific cure for ignorance."

-Carl Jung
It's bad when no one notices, and are too busy middle diddling.

It's even worse when YOU notice the efc, and spam "EFC RAMP SIDE RAMP SIDE RAMP SIDE", only to fall on deaf ears, which kinda proves Yde's point that most of the time it's not a lack of awareness, its just a lack of desire to play objectives or even play capture the flag at all.
It's nice that some of you are making up excuses for ppl that are mostly being idiots,nothing more and nothing less.

Sure, sure there are those who are new to the game and we should advise them.......but it's so nice to faceroll your new FOTM class in the middle..............they simply can't help's not their fault baby mosquitoes going torwards the killing lamp and dying gangnam style......
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Sometimes, I don't mind the mid diddlers. I have played several games recently where the majority from both sides have been mid slaughtering allowing me to run the flag back with no problem and then one objective rogue took care of the efc while another from the other team was after me. It was basically 2v2 and its pretty fun. That way, everyone wins!

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