

Anyone test how ferals are in 5.0.4?

Just would like to know how their damage is compared to other classes.
Feral is viable like every other druid spec. Huge crits with fero as usual, endless time on target and quite good survivability with the mobility + rejuv.
Imo, their average but there's not too many of them so there's not much to base it on

in US most of them have either rolled a new druid or respec'd into balance.

they are pretty much the new mage in many brackets. in 19's last night there were teams with several H-pals, B-druids, and D-priest and they faceroll your team if out comp'd on these.
in US most of them have either rolled a new druid or respec'd into balance.

they are pretty much the new mage in many brackets. in 19's last night there were teams with several H-pals, B-druids, and D-priest and they faceroll your team if out comp'd on these.

Actually, from what I tried, feral is better than balance. Maybe a bit less survivability without -15% dmg from moonkin and having worse heals+mana, but if you have any kind of brain or experience from fcing/kiting, you'll be just fine (unless, of course, you're targeted by 2 holyshockers ":D"). The burst is insane with fero, and I generally get 3-4 returns per BG as feral. Haven't played a lot of BGs yet (duh, who could have :p), but feral seems the stronger DPS spec now. Maybe balance is easier, forgiving mistakes easier or I dont know, but to me it seems like feral is the way to go.
I tried my feral yesterday and I must say that I don't like it as much as I used to. I liked when mangle did some burst, now it hits for 70 on some targets. I have to rely on savage roar + that 20% more dmg/60 more energy thingy I forgot the name off to get off some good bleed ticks and a hopefully good bite crits.

I think that feral is better than many others dpsers tho, I usually top the damage done without even trying too much and I've compered it to my ret/prot pala and compered to my feral he hit like he was using a plastic spoon, good surviveability tho. I will keep play feral anyways, might make a monk in MoP. :)
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the fact that holy shock hits as hard or harder than 5 pt FB is a problem

also is it just me or does it seem very easy to detect feral stealth?

Naa, it seems fine, not too easy to stop you stealthed but if you get up their ass there is a chance you will be seen, like for rogues too :) Stay back a bit more, you have mobility to catch up with your target every time!
the fact that holy shock hits as hard or harder than 5 pt FB is a problem

also is it just me or does it seem very easy to detect feral stealth?

Why would it be a problem, considering you're both OP?

So you're the second OP class and you're complaining because you're not the most OP class. Interesting.
Why would it be a problem, considering you're both OP?

So you're the second OP class and you're complaining because you're not the most OP class. Interesting.
Because FB is a dps spec finisher and HS a spammable healing spec spell.

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