They just nerfed rejuv by the looks of it o.o unless something is wrong. I am ticking for 112 or so atm and was at 160 or so earlier
That was im ticking for 159 again (feral). I just played a WSG and I was ticking for 112 the whole game
Ok so now I'm in another wsg and my hots are ticking for 112...outside of the bg i tick for is going on
Imo, their average but there's not too many of them so there's not much to base it on
in US most of them have either rolled a new druid or respec'd into balance.
they are pretty much the new mage in many brackets. in 19's last night there were teams with several H-pals, B-druids, and D-priest and they faceroll your team if out comp'd on these.
the fact that holy shock hits as hard or harder than 5 pt FB is a problem
also is it just me or does it seem very easy to detect feral stealth?
the fact that holy shock hits as hard or harder than 5 pt FB is a problem
also is it just me or does it seem very easy to detect feral stealth?
the fact that holy shock hits as hard or harder than 5 pt FB is a problem
also is it just me or does it seem very easy to detect feral stealth?
rolled a hunter in cata........Why would it be a problem, considering you're both OP?
So you're the second OP class and you're complaining because you're not the most OP class. Interesting.
Because FB is a dps spec finisher and HS a spammable healing spec spell.Why would it be a problem, considering you're both OP?
So you're the second OP class and you're complaining because you're not the most OP class. Interesting.