Feet of the Lynx


Hi guys,

First off, ive been lurking these forums for a while but have never contributed so here it is.

I was recently reading one of the goldmaking blogs im subscribed to and i noticed that there was a way to obtain the elusive Feet of the lynx.

So for all of you who have had trouble getting this important bit of twink gear,

"1.Pick up all the cheap [Dense Stone] you can. I am picking up all I can

under 1 gold per stack.

2.Convert all of those dense stones to [Dense Grinding Stone]. Need a

blacksmither with at least 250 skill

3.Head to the Darkmoon fair and go talk to Kerri Hicks. She gives you the quest for

[Rituals Of Strength]. Which asks you to turn in 8 [Dense Grinding Stone] for 20

[Darkmoon Faire Prize Ticket]. As a side bonus this gives rep a little

into friendly.

[Minor Darkmoon Prize] is 5 Tickets.

Notable items

[Razor's Edge]

[Feet of the Lynx]

[Ranger Bow]


[Rakzur Club]

[Sentry Cloak]

Please note that this is a random bag drop so you might the them first go or 20th go lol. Also the prizes get better as you give more tickets however for the purposes of twinking this is all we are worried about.

All credit goes to Duck of the consortium forums and Mageshadow of Just my two copper.



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