Fears FFS


Yo, first time poster :), and ive plyed warriors since pre BC and always loved the class; now i was leveling a toon to twink at 19; and i locked exp to check out the bgs.

I entered a few arenas too and warlocks SLAUGHTERED me! aint got a clue what the hell i should do. End game i normaly rend, and wait for the OP spam xD. But here, i cant do much with the garbage amount of rage i get. Im usin Hamstring glyph now but ill probably change to rend.

Do i charge with a 2h nd keep the dps goin ? or do i try bash some of the first fears? or do i like sit thru the first fear and then bash / trinket? and keep dps. Also this Voidwalker is always on me so bandages are a pain. Tried taking out the pet but with the helth funnl nd the frickin OP dots i cant do shit.
lmao, welcome to TI bro :).

Yeah i struggle vs good locks, i mostly charge with a 2h slap on a rend + hammy as they fear. I normaly trinket first fear, take second fear + bash third. Since then DR on fear is a while. But with LoS + the pet; your hp could drop low quick. and the lock could be miles away. I duno :3
not much too really do. even if you trinket the first fear and get on them, locks have a bubble "sacrifice" that will cause you to see IMMUNE to hamstring, gouge, etc, ABSORB, ABSORB thru 3-4 attacks, and by then you are re-feared along with being run thru the standard lock rope a dope with you being dead and them geanerally at 80%+ to near full health

they used to not have the bubble in 10-19, that is the gamebreaker for them.

rare that is happens, but i have been in some BGs that had 4 locks on one side, they wiped huinters like candy, had top DPS stats and were near top in healing stats
examinerEU said:
lmao, welcome to TI bro :).

Yeah i struggle vs good locks, i mostly charge with a 2h slap on a rend + hammy as they fear. I normaly trinket first fear, take second fear + bash third. Since then DR on fear is a while. But with LoS + the pet; your hp could drop low quick. and the lock could be miles away. I duno :3

Every DR is 15s long - Fear is no different.

Also, you wont ever beat a lock
Rolt- said:
Every DR is 15s long - Fear is no different.

Uhm I'm pretty sure if a mage casts sheep on me enough times. I become immune to it, I'm pretty sure the same rule applies to fear.
CIHC said:
Uhm I'm pretty sure if a mage casts sheep on me enough times. I become immune to it, I'm pretty sure the same rule applies to fear.

Then, 15 seconds later, you wont be.
CIHC said:
Uhm I'm pretty sure if a mage casts sheep on me enough times. I become immune to it, I'm pretty sure the same rule applies to fear.

yeah if the mage tries to consecutively sheep you see diminishing sheeping times, i had a mage 4 sheep me one time, last one was a 1 sec sheep. still aggravatiing. now if the mage sheeps, you trinket the you get frost nova's your stuck for 8 sec, maybe a frostbolt followed by sheep, you will be sheeped for 10 seconds because it wasn't repeated.

about the same routine goes for a lock, when they 1st fear, in the delay of trinketing/emfh, you are still distanced to receive some DoT's before you get at the lock again, they pop sacrifice bubble as mentioned and recast a fresh 10 sec fear since it was not a consecutive cast, causing you to gain distance, because by that time you are very low on health a drain soul does 4X damage and ticks off fast and DoT's are factoring in too.
shanker said:
now if the mage sheeps, you trinket the you get frost nova's your stuck for 8 sec, maybe a frostbolt followed by sheep, you will be sheeped for 10 seconds because it wasn't repeated.

unless you are out of polymorph for 15 seconds, it will still be affected by dr. doesnt matter if other spells are cast in-between
Use your trinket on the first fear. second fear is half as long. If you lead in with a charge and bash you can top load some damage and you might get a kill. If your not explosive you will lose.

Dont give up tho, come cataclysm everything gets flipped upside down.
Use your trinket on the first fear. second fear is half as long. If you lead in with a charge and bash you can top load some damage and you might get a kill. If your not explosive you will lose.

Dont give up tho, come cataclysm everything gets flipped upside down.

Bah, in theory wouldnt work though. Pet would always be on you and with 1.2k hp + health funnel + dots no way you could drop the pet of a good warlock and try get on the lock. Even LoSing could be to your disadvantage since the dots will eat you up and give you 1 tick of a bandage at MAX if your lucky. Therefore charge isnt an option, time on target is restricted.

Cata will just make me cry more about locks rofl. High mana + high sp with 1 end game ability.

Im a sword + board guy so i reckon shield slam could be a nice thing vs locks but ToT would in theory be the same small window of opportunity.
examinerEU said:
Bah, in theory wouldnt work though. Pet would always be on you and with 1.2k hp + health funnel + dots no way you could drop the pet of a good warlock and try get on the lock. Even LoSing could be to your disadvantage since the dots will eat you up and give you 1 tick of a bandage at MAX if your lucky. Therefore charge isnt an option, time on target is restricted.

Cata will just make me cry more about locks rofl. High mana + high sp with 1 end game ability.

Im a sword + board guy so i reckon shield slam could be a nice thing vs locks but ToT would in theory be the same small window of opportunity.

try to get a little more rage with talents, only thing I can think of...If you know you're getting a lock a little shadow resist on cloak or a ring can go a long way
Full geared BOA, blues and enchants in prot stance... 20% crit + 10-15% on thunder and heroic strike.

With 2 healing spells available as a dreanei and 10% spelldmg reduction and interupt...

Get glyphs, increase charge range and reduce rage cost of thunderclap

Charge, hamstring, rend.... First fear... counter with shield bash... get shield block up (pets hits you and keep revenge up al time.) Most of them use void anyway, if not they even die faster.

Just spam revenge and thunderclap... The shield should be down in less then 5 seconds... keep up a rend... by time warlock tries to cast second fear he is critten and beaten to death... still need to find first warlockt that beats me in 1-1... If he still has some hp left use trinck to get out of fear again and spank him hard again.

At 29 its even more lol... revenge critting for over 1k... most of them you can almost 1 shot....

If he has AGM and the healing sack you should get that advantage too before starting a duel ofc...

If the lock can heal up full and use a 1000 dmg shield you can't cope ofc unless you have those benefits too.

Also get the use trincket from gnomergang (absorbs 500 fire dmg)
pilgrim said:
Use your trinket on the first fear. second fear is half as long. If you lead in with a charge and bash you can top load some damage and you might get a kill. If your not explosive you will lose.

Dont give up tho, come cataclysm everything gets flipped upside down.

As it stands I see warrs as the big losers in Cata :(

Locks will have more stamina thanks to the sp -> int / stam changes and blizzard stating that all caster classes will have a LOT MORE stamina in cataclysm.

Warrs also cherry pick talents from across the 3 trees more than any class does atm, with rend, att, the crit one I can't remember, and imp clap spread across the trees.

Sword and Board warrs with fangs are going to lose base dps, and maybe gain it back thru passive damage talents.

The shadowfang stat changes aren't an accident - Night Reaver and Black Malice's DPS has been normalised down and shadow damage dropped as well :

Night Reaver - Item - World of Warcraft

Night Reaver - Items - Sigrie

Black Malice - Item - World of Warcraft

Black Malice - Items - Sigrie
best thing you can do, bash 1st fear. trinket second. bash 3rd. you must keep constant pressure on any good warlock as the ones who play perfectly, have each second mapped out in their heads. they will attempt to destroy you as quickly as possible. to counter this you cannot allow a fear to land on you for longer then 1 second. with agm and sacrifice it is difficult in the first place to even bring a warlock into a situation where they feel they should need to bandage or drain life. and with warriors loosing shield bash in cata, expect more sadfaces. but for now work on keeping them under pressure and hope they slip up

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