FC Pally

If I were you I'd go try and just have a Stam set for grabbing flag invade you dont have an Fc on your team or to repick. Having a prot in all stam gear imo isn't viable even if you just qued wsg.

Going ret would let you enjoy WSG, eots, Ab, Av, Battle of gilneas. Great heals and pew pew. IMO.
If I were you I'd go try and just have a Stam set for grabbing flag invade you dont have an Fc on your team or to repick. Having a prot in all stam gear imo isn't viable even if you just qued wsg.

Going ret would let you enjoy WSG, eots, Ab, Av, Battle of gilneas. Great heals and pew pew. IMO.

Yeah just go Ret or holy and enjoy that DMH value.
Link to a holy BiS? if not ill try and hunt threads. Is that gf'd shield worth a shit for holy?
nevermind it's not gf'd and i screwed myself out of boots.

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