Favorite 24 memory


Post your favorite memory / battleground story you have had! Mine was my first wsg against epic was me and trap against 4-5. The first time I had a challenge was a fun game to play
I disengaged ON TO a fc under his own GY after almost blowing him up from range, killed him with raptor strike and returned the flag before the 5 surrounding him took me down.

Get out clicked scrubs!
My favorite was my one, and only game I've played against ET thus far, and I believe it was five of us in eplc, and maybe four in ET, and we were running a 2 man D with me fcing with nick as my heals, and every one of our 3 caps I would rocket jump onto cap just in time, cap, and then die almost immediately xD I told em on vent 10 seconds longer on the return I woulda been toast haha
My favourite 24 memory was in Org when I got my War Party Hitching post. We had a full 40man raid group all on the horses in a train in org! it was so fun!!!
My favorite was my one, and only game I've played against ET thus far, and I believe it was five of us in eplc, and maybe four in ET, and we were running a 2 man D with me fcing with nick as my heals, and every one of our 3 caps I would rocket jump onto cap just in time, cap, and then die almost immediately xD I told em on vent 10 seconds longer on the return I woulda been toast haha


I like how 3 of our memories in the thread are from the same game.
[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]I have 2 that are the best.

On my mage - swung around from the left hand side of the big tree stump in the lower mid of WSG and saw a hunter backpedal from that tree stump all to the light pole by the stone path that leads to the ally tunnel. I couldn't help but watch as he did it, I was stupified.

On my rogue - I sprint raced with another rogue to the ally healing hut, killed him before he got the heal, took it, and vanished and had juuuust enough time to get out before a 24 pally came in and consecrated.[/font]
Both my best and worst memory. When I got my awesome transm set complete the day before they took it all away from us.
Both my best and worst memory. When I finally got my awesome transmog set complete the day before they took it all away from us. I enjoyed it for 24 hours and it was <EPIC>...
My favorite event was being ret spec(os gear) and 1 shotting 4 guys in a row who were all on me and i took the flag by myself. best game was against ET. and worse moment was being gy farmed when i solo qued and it was me (2k hp/mana +) and 9 other 800-health/mana....shittayy
Playing agenst ET was without a doubt the most fun I have ever had on my 24 twink. Wasn't planned and wasn't fair numbers what so ever but extremely fun! The 10v10 will happen soon and we will stream/frap for everyone!
Since everyone else is doing worst also, my worst was/is any time I step into gnomer and see that the rare mob has not spawned
Since everyone else is doing worst also, my worst was/is any time I step into gnomer and see that the rare mob has not spawned
The only thing that matters is the chest bro, duh?!

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