fastest way to level alts


Gang shit
since we have access to full heirlooms while levelling there are ways to speed up the levelling process and make shortcuts.

Here's how I do it , straight from level one start killing every mob you see as fast as possible

kill things in starting zone untill you get to level five

Then walk your way up the east side to orgrimmar and kill the harpies level ten,eleven boars and get the caves unroll your level ten

Now here's the fun part

solo rfc unroll level fifteen I know some classes like rogues and mages will have trouble doing this so solo what you can up to that point and reset unroll your level fifteen

This whole process should take less than two hours

it won't work if you don't have all the heirlooms

Also I did this on my phone

Unroll is until, stupid auto correct too lazy to go back and fix it

Alliance version

level to five in the starting zone

kill everything in sight on your way to the deadmines you should be level ten

Some classes will be able to solo deadmines just solo what u can and reset until fifteen
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I follow a similar process, though I've not tried to solo RFC. I might give this a go tonight :)
I rolled my first Troll hunter and tried going as fast as possible from 1-10 ... Didn't have any planned routes as I kept walking forward all the way to Barrens. I had full heirlooms... reached level 10 within 30 minutes of /played .... If I really wanted to I could probably do faster maybe using a Human since im more familiar with the race
It's even faster if you know where the rares spawn.
It's even faster if you know where the rares spawn.

This is often forgotten or not known. Rares give huge amounts of XP-look them up on Wowhead.

PS: Fastest leveling imo atm is Belf Disc. SW:pain and run down the Deadscar.
1-10 in 30 minutes killing murlocks next to goldshire, exp averages at around 90 per kill taking into account DR. Repawn rate is insanely fast I highly recommend :)
Aware of it but belf starting zone is way better and druids dont get there fast:)

No, it's not. You're better off just killing as many things as you can. Preferably 3 levels higher than you are. Moonfire DoT will kill everything. Horde should head to The Barrens killing everything as they go. Worgens need to do the quest chain, unless the glitch still works. NE just keep killing as you move up zones. Definitely kill the rares, but there aren't that many of them.

Once you hit 10, you can do BGs, or continue with killing +3 levels above you. At 15, the fastest way is doing random dungeons. At no point is the BE starting zone any better than any other zone, other than for BEs since you're already there.
BGS are not efficient, not enough exp to warrant the time spent, better of doing quests:) or getting someone to run you through DM or RFC from 10-15, the new exp system from the final boss is very handy :)
BGS are not efficient, not enough exp to warrant the time spent, better of doing quests:) or getting someone to run you through DM or RFC from 10-15, the new exp system from the final boss is very handy :)

No, BGs were for fun, not for time efficient power leveling. With full BoAs, even without chants, you're pretty competitive.
At no point is the BE starting zone any better than any other zone, other than for BEs since you're already there.

Well could swear part of my initial post was "Belf" and "imo" so sorry but I still think Belf Startign zone is better for dotspam since theres more mobgroups in small areas while trolls/tauren have to walk some distances (even for the very first quest). Also (for me it seems) the groups and kind of quests favor belfs in general over other races. So its possible to pick some "kill xy" in the first 15 mins. After this the dead scar offers plenty of monsters in a wide levelrange with no effort of travelling whatsoever. Also left and right of the deadscar are other chunks of monsters for various quests (you dont have to take) like the Gargoyles and Furbolgs and in the end Deatholm. Theres a better leveling area than this? Please I gladly wanna know but "Barrens" is not exactly specific so please elaborate.

All in all it was just a suggestion from my side. No need to brag.
Alliance: kill stuff on your way to Elwynn Forest to get up to level 5ish. Do a clockwise loop killing rares on your way to Westfall (use NPCScan to find them if you don't know where they are). Ride down to Deadmines and solo it. Queue a dungeon. Assuming you've got full BoAs, be careful if you're about to finish a dungeon and you're close to leveling. The xp bonus from killing the last boss and finishing the dungeon can really give a lot. I usually leave so I don't go over.
Well could swear part of my initial post was "Belf" and "imo"

You said the fastest way to level was a BE priest. Not the fastest way to level a BE was to be a priest. Very big difference. Your "opinion" is factually wrong. Now, if you had said that BEs were the prettiest, in your opinion, fine. Who else besides you can know your opinion of what is pretty?

When you say that something is objectively fastest, takes the least time, adding that it's your opinion does not make it any less wrong. IMO is not a catchall phrase you can use to say stupid things.

As for where in The Barrens, anywhere. Just head to higher level zones. Tauren and trolls will obviously arrive at different points. While I agree that killing rares also works, rares aren't always there. Why 3 levels above? Good XP, and you're hit capped, so won't miss. At that level, and it scales, the moonfire DoT will kill them with a single application.

There is no single zone or place that is best. As you level, and kill, you have to keep moving to find more level appropriate mobs. What ever keeps you moving the fastest, and killing the most, is the fastest way to level.

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