fast way to BiS warrior, please help

hi guys

I didn't play ftp since early MoP

Now I gave a shot to ftp but clearly with some many vets around ftp is no longer any competitive. So IF I wanted to make vet BIS warrior, what shall I do, specifically:

- I understand I need a month of subscription to get all the looms, do I need to buy WoD? Or may I get BIS hairlooms at 90?
- are some BIS hairlooms hard to get? Do I still need to be exalted wih lvl20 guild to buy helm?
- how about enchants, if any1 could give indication what enchants are best for lvl20 war and if I enchant by lvl90 char are these enchants going to stay for lvl 20?

guess that it. Basicaly I though about makin a competitive vet quickly and smoothly and I wonder if it's worth a hassle

did you find fury>arms?

I guess fury = haste, arms = str? from what iv seen on armory

isn't 25str glove ench always better than 20ap?

They're both excellent specs. I chose fury because I just like fast action gameplay. Arms is too slow for me. If that makes sense?
25 is better then 20. I don't know if the chant I currently have scales the same, if not then I have some updating to do in the future xD
arms > fury

for both fury and arms maintain a high amount of strength but for fury get gift of haste enchants and for arms gift of vers enchants
No you don't need WoD level 90 will work. The enchants will all stay on the gear when you give them to your 20. The looms don't require exalted but they do require some level of rep which i can't recall how much. if you want to see some arms gear check the warrior in my sig. hope this was helpful.
Pros and Cons to fury vs arms?

Arms I can sit in Defensive Stance and still put out as much damage as I would in Battle stance with little-to-no difference.
Fury requires you to stay in battle stance. There's no such thing as have too much rage. Fury is the master of rage-dumping. more rage = more damage.

Fury is completely RNG Burst. I have a 20% Chance to proc 2 additional Wild Strikes that cost no rage. If I stack haste, I have more chances to get a proc off by having a shorter cooldown on bloodthirst.
Arms damage is predictable. I rend and near the end of my rend tick, it does a lot of damage. I can spam rend and it costs only 5 rage. Dot spam in defensive stance.

Arms can keep Mortal Wounds on 1-2 people.
Fury can spread Mortal wounds to as many people as possible as long as you have the rage for it.

Arms has a 6 second cooldown on AoE Slow.
Fury has no cooldown on AoE slow and has double the radius. As long as you have the rage for it, you can spam it all you'd like.

Fury has more on-demand damage, so long as Wild Strike procs from Bloodthirst.
Arms relies on spread damage and timing Mortal Strike with the last rend tick to deal big damage.

Fury can solo a healer by pure damage. No cc. Just pure over-whelming damage.
Arms will top the damage charts and over-all deal x2-x3 more damage by spreading dots. While sitting in defensive stance.

Fury Has coordinated burst. " I have Bloodthirst proc and 60 rage and crusader is up, who do you want me to obliterate ?"
Arms - "lalalala rend rend rend /lol rend rend rend /sit defensivestance...Oh I can Mortal Strike that guy i guess."

Fury does x damage with Execute.
Arms does 1/3x damage with execute + x damage at the cost of up to 30 rage. (Arm's execute does more damage)

In terms of gearing(not enchants).

Fury -> Strength ≥ Haste > Crit
Arms -> Strength ≥ Crit > Haste

The reason why I say Str ≥ Haste/crit for both specs; The amount of str you can stack will not matter once you get 2-3 crusader procs.

Overall result? they are both viable. they both have different play styles. Fury is like a melee boomkin and Fury is like a melee destro lock.

I've played both. Fury is hella fun but it sucks that your burst damage relies a lot from Bloodthirst procs. And even in batlte stance, you still miss a lot. But when you get x2 crusader + Bloodthirst + 60 rage, it's like getting hit by 3 ferals at once.
Arms is more suited to my boomkin-like playstyle. I can sit in defensive stance, spam rend. AoE Slow when I need to. Apply Mortal Strike on kill-targets. It's a very smooth spec.
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They're both excellent specs. I chose fury because I just like fast action gameplay. Arms is too slow for me. If that makes sense?
25 is better then 20. I don't know if the chant I currently have scales the same, if not then I have some updating to do in the future xD

Fury has a big amount of damage, but unfortunately it cannot be compared to Arms. Arms is good, it may be slow, but it has one of the biggest DoTs on this bracket. And dotting everyone in mid may seal the enemies team defeat. That's how i see it. +As an arms warrior, the Energy regen is fantastic.

About enchants, Versatility seems the best chant for Arms.
ok guys thx a lot for your replies

so with these enchants - may I just buy them on the AH or from enchanter and apply enchants on looms and send enchant "scrolls" to my lvl20 char for non-loom slots?

When I go vet, will I still be able to use high lvl enchant scrolls on my lvl20 toon if I get them in the inventory?

thanks, the idea is, I want to prepare a lvl20 toon a bit, upgrade to MoP to get a monthly playing time and then go back to free-to-play mode. Id like to make the toon BiS so perhaps it's better to investigate something than to realize that my subscription ended and I missed something....
ok guys thx a lot for your replies

so with these enchants - may I just buy them on the AH or from enchanter and apply enchants on looms and send enchant "scrolls" to my lvl20 char for non-loom slots?

When I go vet, will I still be able to use high lvl enchant scrolls on my lvl20 toon if I get them in the inventory?

thanks, the idea is, I want to prepare a lvl20 toon a bit, upgrade to MoP to get a monthly playing time and then go back to free-to-play mode. Id like to make the toon BiS so perhaps it's better to investigate something than to realize that my subscription ended and I missed something....

I am in the bit of the same boat. On a 10 day trial on a vet account, but dont have much gold. Trying to work up some gold on my various servers to buy Looms, but I have not anchor on AP (Do have a good one on Kelthuzad and Malygos). So I think I need to work up a DK on AP and grind out some Crusaders and enchant scrolls, but I dont have much time left to do so. Thinking of adding a month.
When I go vet, will I still be able to use high lvl enchant scrolls on my lvl20 toon if I get them in the inventory?
No. You can't apply high level chants, only Vanilla chants I believe when Vet, so best to apply them now.

I'd like to ask a question since I have a Vet Fury Warrior. I currently am geared with the Versatility chants, and am in the process of making a Haste set (yes, I purchased a month to get some unfinished business done!).

But has anyone ever tried a Multistrike set of chants on a Warrior? What does your Multistrike % get up to when fully chanted? And how would this compare to say full Versatility or Haste? If anyone's tried this I'd like to know, as I'm a bit short on coin and am only just putting together my Haste set. I'd have to farm for some coin if it was viable. I know it sounds a bit odd, but it could actually be worth something if the % gets up there.

Thoughts / comments on Multistrike for a Warrior?
But has anyone ever tried a Multistrike set of chants on a Warrior? What does your Multistrike % get up to when fully chanted?

Found a warrior 20 twink with Multistrike chants. Fully chanted gives 20.12% Multistrike. That's 1 in 5 hits likely to Multistrike for 30% damage.

In thinking about it, it sounds good, but realistically probably having the constant 14% Versatility increase to damage would be better than a 1 : 5 chance for a 30% damage increase. If RNG is nice to you, there may be moments of good burst with Multistrike, but I think I'd favour the straight up Versatlity buff.

Well, there you have it, I answered my own question :p
ok 1 more question
what happens if I lvl professions above 100 and then go VET?

will I be able to use recipes above 100?

or will I be able to use such char at all? any1 tried>?
ok 1 more question
what happens if I lvl professions above 100 and then go VET?

will I be able to use recipes above 100?

or will I be able to use such char at all? any1 tried>?

You will be able to play your character, but when sub expires, it will be locked and the >=100 Proff skills will be locked(You cannot create em anymore).
you will want to go fury for when puging, believe me if you insist on puging as arms go full vers enchants wherever possible and probably stam enchants for chest and gloves

All I do is pug and arms is terrible when pugging. Fury at least gives you a chance to take something down before the gangfisting starts. Get in and get out!
ok so I know there's no point lvling up professions...

but Im still stuck with enchanting

I enchanted my loom axe /w +1 dmg then took this loom from the tab on another lvl20 char and there was no enchancement.... so my worry is these enchants cannot be shared with looms, can you confirm/denny it?
specificaly the problem is /w shoulder/legs chants that you need to be lvl85 to apply - how to work it out?
I saw in armory that ppl had these on 20vets


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