Farming Guide: Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Sunken Temple)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Why farm Sunken Temple?

III. Important quests and pre-reqs

IV. Finding your way in (& recommended classes)

V. "Secret of the Circle"

VI. The 6 Troll Bosses

VII. The 4 (or two) Drakes

VIII. Summoning and Defeating Hakkar

IX. Final Notes and Change/Update Log

- I. Introduction

*Disclaimer* This was written for the level 49 twink bracket. If you're looking for a guide to bosses that drop items that do not pertain to this bracket, you are in the wrong place.

Images are curtsy of:

Entrance to ST: Atlas - (extra edits by myself)

World of Warcarft


All edits and locations were done by Photoshop.

After having farmed Sunken Temple fantastically many times, here is my guide to help those farm this godforsaken evil place of random drops.

Let me just say, you MUST be dedicated to farm this place. You can't just walk in one or two times, and then quit. You might as well not waste your time in the first place. You could go two or three runs without a single blue dropping. It's happened to me quite a few times. Prepare to farm the instance for perhaps 100+ times before you find what you need.

With that all said, let's go!

- II. Why farm Sunken Temple?

So, you're probably a level 49 twink who is looking to find some best in slot pieces. No problem! If you're still in the midst of leveling, I recommend coming to this instance at level 35. You will be running this instance a lot, and unless you want to be dying during each boss pull and running back so you won't get XP, I recommend coming in here as soon as possible.

Here is a general list of gear that the bosses drop that may be of interest (Please inform me if you believe another piece belongs on this list).


[ITEM]Darkwater Bracers[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Atal'alarion's Tusk Ring[/ITEM]

The 6 Troll Bosses

These are all random:

[ITEM]Atal'ai Girdle[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Atal'ai Boots[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Atal'ai Gloves[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Atal'ai Spaulders[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Atal'ai Breastplate[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Atal'ai Leggings[/ITEM]

The 4 Drakes

[ITEM]Drakestone[/ITEM] "of the random"

[ITEM]Drakeclaw Band[/ITEM] "of the random"

[ITEM]Nightfall Drape[/ITEM]

Avatar of Hakkar

[ITEM]Featherskin Cape[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Warrior's Embrace[/ITEM]

[ITEM]Bloodshot Greaves[/ITEM]

- III. Important Quests and pre-reqs!

The God Hakkar ---> (rewards) Gemburst Circlet, Lifeforce Dirk, Avenguard Helm

*Note: It is important that you do this quest chain if you plan on farming the Avatar of Hakkar. You need the egg to summon him, and you get Yeh'kinya's Scroll so you can continue summoning him until your item drops.

Chain: Screecher Spirits (begin: Level 40 required)

--> The Prophecy of Mosh'aru

--> The Ancient Egg

--> The God Hakkar (end)

Chained Essence of Eranikus --> This item is looted as a quest item from the Shade of Eranikus, the final boss of Sunken Temple. It has a brutally large cooldown and will probably be only used a few times in WSG, but can be annoying and fun. Check the map for Shade's location which can be accessed from the center circle. As a warning, if you aggro Shade without killing all of the dragonkin in the middle room, they will all come for you.

- IV. Finding your way in

At first this just may seem silly, but it's very easy to get lost. If you don't know already, Sunken Temple is located in the Swamp of Sorrows at coordinate (70, 55) as shown in the picture.

The picture below slows you the way in to the instance. As you can see, if you take a wrong turn you'll be doing some backtracking. You'll want to bring your high level friend along for this one. There are some mobs before the instance.

Speaking of friends, you will want to bring a level 70-80 character (although my DK can do the instance at level 63 too), preferably with some AoE. Prot Paladins and Feral Druids are great choices, although at level 80 it won't make a difference who you bring. Avatar of Hakkar is the hardest boss you will have to face. The trash itself is quite easy, my mage can handle it quickly. I highly recommend that you have two accounts for this one so you can farm it at your own leisure. After 50+ runs, your friends could get cranky.

When you first enter the instance, you will be faced with 4 hallways. The one all the way to the left leads to the circular room with tons of dragonkin in it, the two next to it is the path I take to get to the Troll Bosses. The one to the far right leads downstairs to the Secret of the Circle and the boss Atal'alarion.

- V. "Secret of the Circle"

The Secret of the Circle is actually the name of a quest chain that begins at Marvon Rivitseeker. I didn't include the quest with the important quests because of the lackluster rewards. Either way, you can still see the quest chain if you click on the link above.

I tend to leave my twink parked at the beginning until I need him/her. You will have less of a chance of accidental aggro and dying, especially if you choose to begin this at level 35.

After entering the instance, you will want to go to the hallway all the way to the right. There will be a few pulls, make sure you clear enough so your twink doesn't aggro anything when you bring him/her down. You will eventually reach the altar. Clear mobs around it, and then click the altar to activate it. A series of green lights will appear which you will probably not be able to memorize. That's ok.

Go back up the spiral staircase and go to the hallway directly adjacent. There will be a set of stairs going up and one going down. Go down. This will take you to a circular hallway as well, filled with serpents. Follow the numbers on the pictures below to activate the altars in the proper order. If you do this correctly, Atal'alarion will spawn downstairs by the initial altar. Meet up with your twink, kill Atal'alarion and hope the bracers you want are of the correct kind.

-VI. The 6 Troll Bosses

The 6 Troll Bosses are where the bread and butter of ST farming begins. Numerous classes have best in slot items that drop off these bosses, and the type is always random. You will farm these guys for a long time.

From the entrance, the center two hallways lead to the Troll Bosses. You will go upstairs from there and there should be the first boss through a hallway directly to your right in the corridor before the circular hallway. Bring your twink up to this point, kill the first boss and cross your fingers.

Since I run two accounts on one computer, I can't keep an eye on my twink all the time. I usually leave him/her parked here and take my main in a circle to clear all of the trash. I clear all of the trash in the circular hallway, leaving the trash mobs in the specific hallways for when I bring my twink along.

Any of the side hallways lead to a boss. After you clear out the center trash, you can bring your twink along and kill 5 more Troll Bosses with minimal trash.

-VII. The 4 Drakes

The 4 drakes actually fly around in pairs of two. Two of the drakes (Morphaz/Hazzaz) fly just outside Shade of Eranikus's room. The other two (Weaver/Dreamscythe) will spawn in the circular room with the dragonkin after you defeat Jammal'an the Prophet.

To unlock Weaver/Dreamscythe:

- Defeat the 6 Troll Bosses. This unlocks Jammal'an's room

- Defeat Jammal'an the Prophet. Run back to the Dragonkin room. This will spawn Weaver/Dreamscythe.

If your focus is just to farm something specific from the drakes, I would recommend a quick method of pulling just Morphaz and Hazzaz. From the entrance, go to the far left hallway. Go up that spiral staircase clearing mobs along the way. Clear a path to the hallway to Morphaz and Hazzaz. Bring you twink up, pull the two of them and kill them. Loot, run out and reset. My mage can do this in under 5 minutes.

I choose this method ONLY after I have everything I need off the 6 Troll Bosses. If I still have to kill all 6 Troll Bosses, I continue on to kill Jammal'an to unlock the extra drakes. If I don't need the 6 Troll Bosses, I just go for Morphaz and Hazzaz. It takes way to long to run through all of the Troll Bosses and Jammal'an for the two extra spawns.

FYI: The all the trash mobs in Jammal'an's room do aggro if you attack her.

-VIII. Summoning and Defeating Hakkar

Hakkar is a scripted event that you must defeat quite a few waves of mobs. Your goal is to make Hakkar spawn to defeat him. I highly recommend bringing a few health pots in case you get low on health (I do this on my level 70 warrior).

Take a scan around the room and make note of the Braziers in each corner. Your goal is to collect Hakkari Blood from Hakkari Bloodkeepers and douse each Brazier in order to cause the Avatar of Hakkar to spawn. Nightmare Suppressors can relight the flame so you must kill them as well. Once you douse all four flames, the Avatar of Hakkar will spawn.

Hakkari Bloodkeepers look like this:

Nightmare Suppressors look like this:

Ordered Instructions:

1. Clear you way to Avatar of Hakkar's room. Put loot on FFA.

2. Park your twink in a far corner.

3. Walk up to the center and click your Egg in your bag (or scroll if your main has already done the quest). This will start the event.

4. Most likely a few serpent mobs will spawn and immediately go after your twink. Peel them off. They will continue spawning, just keep an eye out for them.

5. Keep an eye out for Hakkari Bloodkeepers. When one spawns, kill it, loot the Blood.

6. Walk to the nearest Brazier and click to douse it.

7. Keep an eye out for Nightmare Suppressors. You don't want one relighting that Brazier(s).

8. Continue doing 4-8 until you get all four Braziers down. Hakkar will spawn

9. Pwn Hakkar, loot his stuff and fill up your egg. Profit.

10. (if you need to continue farming him, turn in the quest egg, then ask for the scroll)

-IX. Final Notes and Change/Update Log

This guide is copyright of


Version 3.08 - 01/23/2009: Original Version Posted.
Nice work Taitaih! Farming ST is probably Revelosh v2, I farmed it for my 49 and I still have nightmares about it.
With my rogue, I was farming it for other twinks pretty easy during BC. Avatar event is pretty easy since you are not in combat 100% of the time and can take your time doing it if need be, but natural avoidance as a 70 was high enough that chain pulling the adds went without dropping below 70%. Ate to 100% and then engaged the Avatar himself. The only remotely difficult part is getting any adds that immediately jump the twink as you start the event.

The 6 trolls are time consuming and do feel like a real grind while the drakes are fun imo.
It's so much worse than Revelosh at least in my opinion. Revelosh guaranteed at least 1 blue per run... it's probable that you won't get a single blue (at least from the troll bosses). The loot tables in this place is just effed up.

Just wait, I'm working on my BRD guide for next week :D.
Taitaih said:
It's so much worse than Revelosh at least in my opinion. Revelosh guaranteed at least 1 blue per run... it's probable that you won't get a single blue (at least from the troll bosses). The loot tables in this place is just effed up.

Just wait, I'm working on my BRD guide for next week :D.

Hehe, when asked by others to run em through BRD for those damned rings and necklaces, I straight up tell em no. They always expect to get every key that drops, I have to clear up tons of trash for em just to get them to that damned vault room, and expect me to grab em one of them head chants that requires the items from the big vault at a discount price.

Basically, its been nothing but a huge head ache for me every time.
Conrose said:
Hehe, when asked by others to run em through BRD for those damned rings and necklaces, I straight up tell em no. They always expect to get every key that drops, I have to clear up tons of trash for em just to get them to that damned vault room, and expect me to grab em one of them head chants that requires the items from the big vault at a discount price.

Basically, its been nothing but a huge head ache for me every time.

Yea there's a reason I do my own farming... so I can give myself headaches
I just finished my 3rd 49 and have only had to do ST one time for one piece of gear and it was for a whopping 4 spell dmg more than its BRD counterpart.

Allied Rogue- Nothing there for me best in slot.

Allied Warlock- Featherskin Cape IS the best Allied caster slot for 49's, Spritecaster from BRD just slightly inferior but much easier to farm. Horde have the option of the Deep Woodlands cloak and some would prefer the higher stam/int against slightly less spell power.

Horde Hunter- Thank gawd for the Honorguard Chestpiece or I would have been farming ST for the Atal'ai Breastplate of the Monkey.

ST is one of those class specific instances. You don't need it really as a clothie caster. You definitely don't need it as a rogue. If you're a hunter only if you're an Alliance one, same with Ally shammies.

The best in slot items are only going to be the "of the Random" things. This makes the place avoidable in most cases and the worst farming instance for twinks. At least Revelosh is next to the front door.

Great guide but you have no idea how many people I have geared twinks with that have said "I hope you don't need Sunken Temple because I won't run it.". People were more willing to farm Meshlokk the Harvester in Maraundon than run ST.
I have two accounts... doesn't make the situation any more bearable, but at least I still have friends :)
Bumping a little bit of an old thread; When running this on my pally, my only options for toons to run through on are a dk and a hunter (I'll probably be using the dk). But neither have engi, so no rez.

Its been a long time since I've ran ST. Can I leave the twink back in the instance a bit (out of range for xp or loot) assuming the dk has the egg to summon hakkar, then run in after the 4th brazier is lit to minimize or eliminate XP gain?

Is it possible to pull the troll bosses alone, or do they *always* come with adds, even if you clear the area beforehand?
This post just made me NEVER want to roll a 49
Taitaih said:
I have two accounts... doesn't make the situation any more bearable, but at least I still have friends :)

XD a friend helped me with a instance with more than 300+ runs, he's still mad about it. :eek:

Cookíes said:
This post just made me NEVER want to roll a 49

Seriously. Up until 3.1 came out, I wouldn't even attempt a resto or elemental shaman for 49 because of the ST misery it would involve (especially for the gloves). Now with the leathercrafted dragonscale set, ST should work out okay.

You almost can't say enough about the pain of farming this instance. I have well over 200 runs and dread going back.

One recommendation is to keep all the blue pieces that drop of the trolls if there a chance you will find them useful later (if you can equip it I would keep it). For example, I had the bear chest for my enhancement shaman but was really glad I kept monkey version when they changed the talents. That and they go back and rework gear from time to time so sometimes you get a surprise present when a patch is released... I later added a dual spec for resto/elemental and it is good to have the other items in the bank (I am glad I didn't sell them).

Also, if you decide to help others, make sure they are committed to 49s and ideally have a track record... I am still a little pissed about the guy who leveled up after he played fewer 49 BGs than he had in free ST runs...

This is a great guide though if you are going in there you might as well get the following nice AoE DoT trinket for your 49:

Chained Essence of Eranikus

I like to use it when they are camping the flag. Coming in with multiple players with sapper-charges or bombs, Eranikus, and any other AoE stuff you have helps soften them up (and good DoT for stealthy rogues). Take in a Warlock with you and fear bomb everyone really helps with these to clear the room (DoT up whomever is left, if any).

The 45 seconds of Eranikus is quite a long time and can help mess up FC pursuits. I can't remember for sure but they may not be able to bandage, stealth, mount, eat/drink with this but regardless it tends to slow people down. Can't remember if it fully keeps them in combat or not but regardless it is a nice box of fun.
Added the Chained Essence of Eranikus.

I think this guide is ready to go to the Official guides section, if a mod can read over it :).

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