Farming for Recipe: Swiftness Potion

So I've been farming for this for quite some time now, and now that I'm getting more and more RFC clears and most of all more and more common overworld mob kills under my belt I'm starting to wonder where it drops, or if it really is just overworld/instance 10-20

I know it still drops in RFC, but after having done that place so many times over so many characters it's starting to become mind numbing.

So I started farming Razormane mobs/Zhervas/A lion thing from time to time north-east of Crossroads and this is the result:


Assuming I didn't miss any of the NPCs (and not counting the zherva or lionesses) that's 1425 Razormanes, so that's why I'm here XD

So I guess the question is, where do you guys recommend farming it? and does it drop in the overworld from random monsters or just in instances?

(Not asking for people to link me to WoWhead or quote WoWhead, it has been wrong in the past and provided incorrect data, I'm just asking if anyone can confirm the WoWhead data)

Edit: Just realized today is the fishing contest, and I didn't sleep yet. Hope I wake up in time!
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I got mine on my paladin from the undeads by Foreman Thistleface while farming for leggings, still ant got it on my main though lol
Keep in mind even in the most likely places you have a 99.9% of not getting it. I've had it drop in RFC, WC and very recently from a lvl 15 rare mob in the forsaken zone.
I had my first one drop in Wailing Caverns. Every drop I've seen since has been in the Deadmines. That's where I'd farm. Easy to solo, a couple of chests on the way, and some funny boss mechanics. It's still rare though, maybe 1 in 15 to 1 in 20 runs on average for me. Could easily be worse depending on how chummy you are with the rng.
Got my first in DM while leveling the Holypala and
my second a few days ago on my Ele Sham in 2. SFK-run.

So I guess "lucky" isn´t even close to this :)
The pot recipe is a huge pita. When I started farming it for my new druid I had seen 4 drops in RFC and 2 in SFK, so I queue RFC for it no less than 95 times. No dice.

Then I group with someone and we queue for random, get Wailing Caverns, and it drops in there.

So basically you never know where it will show up, just keep doing dungeons of some form and hope no one else needs on it.
I've gotten most of mine out of the deadmines. maybe one world drop outside an instance. I was farming deadmines for grizzly trophies on my pally and had it drop on back to back runs.
The recipe can drop in N. Barren: View attachment 3724

But I don't think there is any good place to farm for this.

Note the speed potion does drop from fishing dailies, so do those until you get the recipe itself.


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I've seen 3 in the past couple of months drop from the 2nd chest spawn in Deadmines, the last two being the same day on back to back runs. I also have a screenshot somewhere of my rogue farming for ceremonial leather loincloth at the sludge fen (i think that's the name) in northern barrens with two swift pot recipes in the same loot window. Only times I've actually seen it drop, several from dungeon chests, others from world mobs (rares). Can't vouge for anything else.
I don't recommend 'farming' the recipe at all. I recommend farming something else that also has a chance to drop the recipe (basically anything around level 15-20 I believe). I got mine in Hillsbrad Foothills farming a black cat.

Never farm for one item if you can farm for two.

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