Farming Duo Style.

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I'm not for Sale.
Get in with the most organized 24s in the bracket and farm and cap wins! beat 24 premades with out a problem sorry HORDE only. Come here and post your opinions haha
Duo how many friends do you have that queue with you? Are you like, I dunno... Say popular? Just curious, I might make a horde 24 which really dousnt mean much.
Duo how many friends do you have that queue with you? Are you like, I dunno... Say popular? Just curious, I might make a horde 24 which really dousnt mean much.
BB we smashed duos premades a couple times when we were still horde.
You guys should go smash him again.

We're all Alliance now so it'd be a great idea, unfortunately one side continues to avoid committing to an actual scheduled game. Another way to put it is he's dodging.
We're all Alliance now so it'd be a great idea, unfortunately one side continues to avoid committing to an actual scheduled game. Another way to put it is he's dodging.

So... Duo that's an obvious challenge and I can tell you how you can respond to it.

A. Yes

B. No

Don't give some sort of shitty excuse or change the subject because that's pathetic.
I rarely have time to play anymore, sure in the fudge ain't gonna be part of a 25 min snooze fest. He got what he wanted though, what most twinks want down deep i assume, to be hated. lol
I'm down for a challenge. I do however for-see some issues.
(in the bb style)
A. Alli Qs are 8-15 mins long.
B. Horde Qs are almost instant
C. How do we negate the logistics in you guys having a much longer Q than us?
D. Its hard enough to get 10 horde much less cross faction.
E. I'm "cuter" than you.
F. Discuss
I'm down for a challenge. I do however for-see some issues.
(in the bb style)
A. Alli Qs are 8-15 mins long.
B. Horde Qs are almost instant
C. How do we negate the logistics in you guys having a much longer Q than us?
D. Its hard enough to get 10 horde much less cross faction.
E. I'm "cuter" than you.
F. Discuss

back when Epic was EPlC. We went against ET. Simple just this:

Alliance team queues up. waits...

Horde team queues... drops queue when it pops.

In about 3-5 drops of the queue they should pick up one and Alliance teams gets it too. It may take up to 15-20 minutes before you get in the same game(both groups of course).
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I'm down for a challenge. I do however for-see some issues.
(in the bb style)
A. Alli Qs are 8-15 mins long.
B. Horde Qs are almost instant
C. How do we negate the logistics in you guys having a much longer Q than us?
D. Its hard enough to get 10 horde much less cross faction.
E. I'm "cuter" than you.
F. Discuss

A. Last time what we did was wait until the time left on the alli side, was equal to the average que for a horde game.
B. 1-2 minutes is fine when you just wait till the last 1-2 mins for the alli que
C. Addressed
D. We were thinking 5v5's to start with, although I'm sure a 10man could be possible if we have people to play against who can field the numbers.
E I'm not sure, because I have a moonkin hatchling which gives about a +5 to my cuteness rating.
F. Discussed :D
Duopaladin you should let me attempt a 5+v1 against you guys for my collection of footage :p
Haha when i was ally? lol u mean my trial scrub pally duopally not duopaladin. i got over 100 twink added on real id its usually not hard to find a twink farmed some premades yesterday some pally named twinkerella hunter named Gat and boheos or something like that , also faced an ally team with 5 ally heals 2 holy pallys arkangel and some other pally and 3 priest they got raped, all the priest afked out and the pallys stoped spawning except one prot pally lvl 24 named swoopscoops or something like that. and your all alliance now wow i would love to rape your team but you guys keep comin on my realm and Trollin so maybe i shouldn't hahaha then u guys could complain some more on these forums! lol
i love how Kratos thinks he can beat any one with his 15k hks haha what? u play for like a week and get bored? That tooon looks more like a pve twink that farms gear all day to "still" get raped in pvp. Maybe if you pvped more and did gnomer less you would even have a chance of playing against my team.
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