Fake jumps.. or are they?

Sorry had to post this somewhere people would appreciate movement in wsg, and I guess ab.

While leveling my goblin in WSG I can't stop laughing at people while fc'ing. The rocket jump works midair, which allows me to jump off a ledge, turn midair, and rocket jump back onto the ledge.

I'm sure this is common knowledge to most, but watch out next time you are chasing a goblin fc'er and they jump off the roof..
doesn't work with blink but good to know, I bet wsg at lvl 85 is going to get crazy with lifegrip in the mix as well.
Grabco said:
doesn't work with blink but good to know, I bet wsg at lvl 85 is going to get crazy with lifegrip in the mix as well.

i have never tested it out, but i find if i go off a ledge and then press blink it puts me back on top of that ledge. (you have to do it b4 you hit the ground or right when you go off the edge
it wont work -

jump off, goblin racial turn around jump back. Boom hit the wall fall down
but he said he did it
It does work with hunter disengage. I do it all the time when im being chased by a rogue or something
Grabco said:
doesn't work with blink but good to know, I bet wsg at lvl 85 is going to get crazy with lifegrip in the mix as well.

it does in fact work with blink, to an extent...
or, you know, you can just run up to a ledge and jump up and not out.
How can it be called Fake Jumping if you're actually jumping?
Firetruckk said:
it does in fact work with blink, to an extent...

Really after all this years you think they gonna fix it now...
Johneffer said:
it wont work -

jump off, goblin racial turn around jump back. Boom hit the wall fall down

If you tried this and you attempted to do it in that order, then yes your are right it will not work. In order for it to work, you must do it in the correct order:

Jump off

Turn around

Use Rocket Jump

I am assuming you are not stupid enough to attempt this the way you wrote it, which means you do not understand the concept of jumping. Taken from Merriam-Webster's online dictionary: "to spring into the air : leap; especially : to spring free from the ground or other base by the muscular action of feet and legs" This implies positive vertical motion (going up). So in theory, both when you jump off of something as well as when you use your rocket jump, you increase your vertical position. You decrease your vertical height based on how long you are in the air. As long as the vertical height lost by being in the air is less than the height gained from your two jumps, it is theoretically possible to to do this jump.

I am also assuming that you were too lazy or do not have cata and so you did not take the time to test out the rocket jump before you arbitrarily decided it won't work. The first day cata came out, I made a goblin rogue to check out their starter zone. I managed to hit level 6 (when I got to the zone after the alliance sunk the boat) and then tried out the maneuver announced by the original poster (jumping off the broken boat). I found this so fun that I stopped leveling and simply played with this for ~15 minutes before logging off.

Therefore, both theoretically and in practice, this maneuver is possible so please do not contribute any information if you have no idea what you are talking about.

TL;DR Rocket Jump jukes are possible and don't say anything if you don't know what you are saying.
Ya not sure what the confusion was about, I always tried to do it with blink (I couldn't manage it).

I'll try to get a video, because my lowly 14 lock with 480hp jumped off the horde roof while being chased, turned, rocketed jumped back... and I couldnt stop laughing.

And to the "why not just fake jump", because this is way more hilarious. Most people who are good are trained to look for a fake jump, but when you see someone go over the ledge, even the good people will follow.
Grunge said:
or, you know, you can just run up to a ledge and jump up and not out.


it only works best if there is a latency issue between the players though, or so ive found :O

but it sure does do the trick sometimes.

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