Faction Switch


I'm considering a faction switch on Aphextwin. There are some nice items for warriors on the Alliance side and the people that queue on Horde don't seem to understand "getting your gear before bgs". :\
Yes, go ally if you want to "win". That, by the way means that the ally team of 6 hunters will laugh at the horde for being "bad" after a 20 minute gy farm session. The alliance may win more games at the moment but that does not mean there are better/more geared players on their team, just more hunters queing with priest healers as a damage bumper. The horde really needs people that can -do damage- instead of hordie rogues flopping onto the undefended Hpally FC and spamming SnS while blade furry is enabled. If you're Fac switching for gear I feel ya, but I'd suggest starting off ally and going hordie after, horde really needs the help; you don't really appreciate the few good people in the bracket until you spend a few weeks horde side =/
Dorigon said:
its actually pretty even atm

Im sorry but I must disagree

I recently went Ally and came back I was there for like 3-4 days. I played my fair share of games and it was about an 80/20 ratio of geared groups to non-geared. Now I'm back horde and just like it was before I left I get 80/20 games were they are mostly just 600-800hps That think they are geared :p Yes horde will win a few games a day but from my perspective on both sides alliance mostly dominates the gulch and like someone else said ally has wayy more groups of 4+ hunters than horde does. Now I know sometimes Horde has some games of hunter overload but I have mutliple screen shots of 6+ ally hunter brigades. This causes total mid domination and therefore those of the faint heart AFK out. I end most games with about 6-8 horde left. There is always someone who afks out and honestly im kind of tired of it. Most of the afkers could use the practice even if it is an ass whooping. When you cant keep a full team in a game you lose a large percantage to your odds of winning.

Just my PSA for the day:US::Horde:\

Nyquil-cheap said:
Im sorry but I must disagree

I recently went Ally and came back I was there for like 3-4 days. I played my fair share of games and it was about an 80/20 ratio of geared groups to non-geared. Now I'm back horde and just like it was before I left I get 80/20 games were they are mostly just 600-800hps That think they are geared :p Yes horde will win a few games a day but from my perspective on both sides alliance mostly dominates the gulch and like someone else said ally has wayy more groups of 4+ hunters than horde does. Now I know sometimes Horde has some games of hunter overload but I have mutliple screen shots of 6+ ally hunter brigades. This causes total mid domination and therefore those of the faint heart AFK out. I end most games with about 6-8 horde left. There is always someone who afks out and honestly im kind of tired of it. Most of the afkers could use the practice even if it is an ass whooping. When you cant keep a full team in a game you lose a large percantage to your odds of winning.

Just my PSA for the day:US::Horde:\


I am sorry but getting farmed by mindless hunters doesn't sound like fun...
Its not but even some games w/o 6 hunters people afk after allys first cap it just kind of gets old. Especially when we are able to come back and win the game after being down 1-2 thats the satisfaction that I enjoy and that the afking person missed.

Idk thats still my opinion Ik others think differently
I just don't understand how anyone's motive for transfer would be just to "Win" at pugs. Honestly, a month or two ago, everyone was saying how horde rolled every bg, and the same people that were losing alli were coming horde. Now the tides have turned again, as anyone could have expected. And as such, in a month or two, or three, when horde start winning again in terms of average wins of pugs, everyone will be wanting to come back to horde. It's a dance that has been going on forever in 19's and I still do not see how people haven't realized this. At OP however, there are definitely some nice warrior items for a warrior on Alliance, and getting them would definitely be a good thing.
Haha seems like as soon as someone says they want to come alliance they get mobbed... It's not about wining/losing because quite honestly I win most of my pugs as horde. It's about faction changing for gear and being on the flip side for a change. Not to mention unless you're in WT there's hardly any twink oriented guilds worth anything on horde side, just a bunch of either undergeared rogues or rogues with 2 SF's thinking that they are good because they have "BiS".
Mnkey said:
All de hordies are QQing abt losing. Now u guys know how alliance felt. i have no sympathy.

Mnkey, you always feel the need to throw that comment in.

Back awhile ago when I made my thread, people had the misconception that I was bitching about losing all the time as horde. No. The only things I give 2 shits about is competitive games and que times.

None of this "sympathy" is needed anyways. Eventually everyone is going to the other faction making it dominant.

Fanatic said:
Haha seems like as soon as someone says they want to come alliance they get mobbed... It's not about wining/losing because quite honestly I win most of my pugs as horde. It's about faction changing for gear and being on the flip side for a change. Not to mention unless you're in WT there's hardly any twink oriented guilds worth anything on horde side, just a bunch of either undergeared rogues or rogues with 2 SF's thinking that they are good because they have "BiS".

i thot bis mad u gud

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