Faction Changes

Yeah we got a while for sure.
roudy said:
:( anyone know if you will be able to transfer boa gear on a faction change toon or is that not yet even discussed since its so far off

what do you mean? like transfer BoA item to a different server thats a different faction, you can not do that... however you can send a BoA item to a char on a different server that IS the same faction but u have 2 transerfer a character with the BoA item(s)... also you can't send BoA items to a different faction.
I pretty sure you keep just about everything when you make the change, it just has to be a compatible race change, for example, you can't make a gnome shaman.
Mmm, I don't think so Insomniac, I am almost 100% sure blizzard is going to do some "balance" they said you will translate into an equal level character of a race of your choice (obviously has to work- no gnome shamans) but they said with ABOUT EQUAL GEAR. So we shall see...I don't think they will let you keep all your stuff, such as tabard of the hand?
im thinking about transfering my 80 dk to horde when it becomes available, the question i mean to ask is will i be able to fill his bags with stuff like boa shoulders and weapons for twinks or will they make me grind all new emblems out horde side...>.<

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