First of all, I appreciate the reference. Ill discourse a sec for you die hard Kubrick fans. Check out Room 237, a documentary about how The Shining was Kubrick's admission to having shot the fake Apollo 11 moon landing. Fascinating. Anyhow relevant to your toon, in a way...
On your gearing issue: Achmed brings up some useful points, unfortunately with a condescending tone and no direct answers. Ill clarify, most sub rogues prefer to stack agility as it scales very well with the spec. The attack power substitutes have been mentioned in this thread and are perhaps the best option. That doesn't mean crit cant work as effectively, but in my opinion you should go to one of the two extremes with your build. If your committing to crit stack you still need cobrahns/dpr/stendel. Achmed's point about trinks, im assuming, is that your priority is dps not survival. I agree in this regard, where 2x haste trinks are your other option, as im partial to glass cannon dps.
On your rotation issue: Good on you for getting after them spriest. Kick from stealth is situational, more viable to subter rogues obviously, and more effective v healers. If you kick MB any decent spriest will start healing in your face, in case you don't know your only locking them out of shadow spells. Save your racial for scream save your kick for heals. If they blow both cds in 1v1 you will probably lose, but at least you got them to blow both cds. If roots, swap immediately hoping they sit in crip and dont get too much space/ dont bubble root (holy/shadow usually wont). If fiend, use your judgement, you'll have a short fear but if your not at 100% MB/flay will probably kill you before you get back (im more prone to sit fear indoors v mid where you can get los pathing), kick fiend is the other option, buys you a little more time on target which is useful if your close to kb and especially if you have teammates in range of fear. gl out ther!