F2P PVP options??


New Member

I've been working on a F2P twink, but now I noticed something: The PvP queues are locked for F2P accounts... Is there any way to play battlegrounds?? Or what are the options for a F2P account to go on PvP?

Thanks in advance
If you don't have game time, you can't queue for PvP if your XP is disabled. If you're okay to play at 20, go ahead and unlock it. If not, you'll have to unlock your XP and deal with the XP you get.

Note also that queuing with XP disabled, whether because you have game time while it's locked or because you're a 20 without game time, puts you into a special queue with other people who locked their XP. Most of the time this means that queues never pop and you'll only see PvP if you actively schedule it with other people. F2P 20s and any paid players who lock between 20 and 29 might get some pops because that's the bracket F2Ps go into. Know that randomly queuing can easily put you into games where you get steamrolled, so a lot of F2Ps get bored and quit PvPing unless they actively plan their games too.
If the problem youre experiencing is that you get told "starter accounts cant perform this action" when you try to que for pvp, its because you locked your xp. Trial accounts cannot que for pvp with their xp turned off.
Which if you have socketed gear and ilvl 96, your stats are not as nerf'd as in something like the Korrak's Revenge so you mostly "loose" to premade characters that are geared to pawn or their whole group enters the mix then it's over fast.

Still, I have been in PUG PVP non-Epic battlegrounds in which I was able to hold my own against 1-2 level 29s that were just levelers.

But I also have seen no battlegrounds spawn for Epic battlegrounds under 3 hours in queue.

Even when that Classic Brawl: Ashran was active I ZERO queues popped in 4+ hours on various realms ;)

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