F2P Multiboxing


since f2p accounts cost no money, multiboxing is really cheap to do
In the server Norgannon US ally side, I have a hunter friend named Nelrin
Nelrin @ Norgannon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
im sure some of you heard and saw him in bgs before..
yea.. he multiboxes and he is really good at it
He helps other trials get agm (since trials cooperate against lvl 85s in my server) by using one 1 rogue and 10 hunters CC ing everything
I made a video about it if you want to check it out :) i spend about 6 hours total
Edit : i was trying to make it a little scary :) dont watch it at night lol

Nelrin - YouTube

since this isnt illegal or anything so im guessing more people will be doing it. i dont think anyone so far thought of this as a method of getting agm quickly :)
but dont use this in a wrong way especially in AP. everyone will hate you for doing it im guessing
i tried with 4 rogues........forgot the *party them first part* then they just ended killing each other.
But yeah chain sap 85s then /spit when you loot the chest. They will come back for revenge though so maybe no /spit.

edit: maybe seeing them in action would be cool.
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Boxing with melee classes doesn't really work. Being that there is a positioning requirement. If i were to box f2p, it would be balance druids, imagine the 5 starsurges from stealth rofl. 5 moonfires. u mad?
That was scary, when the first text you had a friend I was so shocked I dropped my popcorn :eek:
That was scary, when the first text you had a friend I was so shocked I dropped my popcorn :eek:

xD but so far not many people liked it :( they want action
>5 box aff locks
>still soloed by1 hunter

I hate multi-boxers so I in no way condone what the OP is doing with f2p multiboxing. A good player should stand on its own feet and fight a fair fight.

That said, if you think that you can solo 5 aff locks you are dreaming. I play affliction warlocks, so far I have very little trouble with f2p hunters. An affliction lock can solo just about any other f2p classes, even pallies and priests, except for a well play druid. Just imagine casting 5 Bane of Doom which would do 300 each uncrit, and then chain fearing one after the other (say with 3 secs delay between each box). You will be feared for 15 seconds with full health and no damage, and then die exactly at the 15 second mark when the Bane of Doom kicks in.

It could be quite epic ;-)
I hate multi-boxers so I in no way condone what the OP is doing with f2p multiboxing. A good player should stand on its own feet and fight a fair fight.

That said, if you think that you can solo 5 aff locks you are dreaming. I play affliction warlocks, so far I have very little trouble with f2p hunters. An affliction lock can solo just about any other f2p classes, even pallies and priests, except for a well play druid. Just imagine casting 5 Bane of Doom which would do 300 each uncrit, and then chain fearing one after the other (say with 3 secs delay between each box). You will be feared for 15 seconds with full health and no damage, and then die exactly at the 15 second mark when the Bane of Doom kicks in.

It could be quite epic ;-)

good :) i play lock as well and i love playing it (im destro lock tho)
but to be honest, locks in this patch cant beat any other classes 1v1 other than if lucky, mages and maybe warriors. good players can beat good locks pretty easily. 1v1 isnt lock's profession yet (idk about MoP)
I hate multi-boxers so I in no way condone what the OP is doing with f2p multiboxing. A good player should stand on its own feet and fight a fair fight.

That said, if you think that you can solo 5 aff locks you are dreaming. I play affliction warlocks, so far I have very little trouble with f2p hunters. An affliction lock can solo just about any other f2p classes, even pallies and priests, except for a well play druid. Just imagine casting 5 Bane of Doom which would do 300 each uncrit, and then chain fearing one after the other (say with 3 secs delay between each box). You will be feared for 15 seconds with full health and no damage, and then die exactly at the 15 second mark when the Bane of Doom kicks in.

It could be quite epic ;-)

Don't be like Hú and try to say locks can beat hunters please.
wait, a video of 10 multi box hunters and no wsg footage???.

yea its a FX MOVIE so i didnt put any wsg. besides... if there 10 nelrins in wsg.... i wont be in there to record :) i never had a chance to record his bgs
i have a friend. he is... different. sounds a bit wierd :D

I play affliction warlocks, so far I have very little trouble with f2p hunters.
do you mean the backpedalling ultraskill hunter you encounter a lot in bgs? and not beastmasters i guess, because their pet will happily play with you.

An affliction lock can solo just about any other f2p classes, even pallies and priests, except for a well play druid.

yes sure, that's why you get so many of them in bg.

By duelling players, i guess you're talking about running arounds pillars or walls? too bad because 80% of the battlegrounds don't have walls.

locks are the least represented class with elemental shamans. any melee or hunter will destroy you in seconds in 1x1.

btw if you have videos of your duels, feel free to share them.

Just imagine casting 5 Bane of Doom which would do 300 each uncrit, and then chain fearing one after the other (say with 3 secs delay between each box). You will be feared for 15 seconds with full health and no damage, and then die exactly at the 15 second mark when the Bane of Doom kicks in.

chain fearing? so there is no diminishing returns on fear now, great. fear also doesn't break on damage? sounds awesome.

and even without diminishing returns, fear has to be cast, it's really easy to interrupt it.
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about the movie, i expected more technical details, some explanations of the software /macro he is using :-(
chain fearing? so there is no diminishing returns on fear now, great. fear also doesn't break on damage? sounds awesome.

Fear lasts for 8(?) seconds with no DR, 15 seconds would be casting it until they become immune.
An affliction lock can solo just about any other f2p classes, even pallies and priests, except for a well play druid.

No offense, but I have never been beaten by a warlock... ever. I don't want to sound cocky, but locks are very squishy and have no burst and are never a threat in any BG really.
No offense, but I have never been beaten by a warlock... ever. I don't want to sound cocky, but locks are very squishy and have no burst and are never a threat in any BG really.

Don't say they don't have burst though, while I agree locks are squishy savour plays his demo lock very well by timing a soulfire hardcast into a bane of doom tick with a conflagrate followed by a soul burn instand soulfire, he hit me for nearly all my HP on my pally in the blink of an eye.

However this was in a dueling environment and while I think locks are very underpowered never underestimate what the good ones can do :)

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