F2p Love Letters


So much negativity going on in these threads lately i figured id start up this thread. this is a thread where you can conjure up the courage to tell you secret crush how much you like them. Ill start.

Dear [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] ,

Ever since that late night we spent together in the gulch i've wanted to tell you my feelings. But truth be told i was kinda..... well .. im really nervous around cute priests and i just wanted to say that dress looked really cute on u. Your muffins you brought to the picnic were really good and i was kindah embarrassed when all i had was that hunters bird pet i caught. But when you roasted it up like a true chef i knew we were ment to be together.

Dear All My People on Ignore... thanks for the laughs but it's time we moved on.


Uncle Drünk
Hahahahaahahah... can't stop laughing !!!
Anyway i would like to have a girlfriend who plays World of Warcraft. That would be good !! We can BG together , having fun together like rogues or ferals. That would be awesome!!

Idk what do u think about this :p !!
So much negativity going on in these threads lately i figured id start up this thread. this is a thread where you can conjure up the courage to tell you secret crush how much you like them. Ill start.

Dear [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] ,

Ever since that late night we spent together in the gulch i've wanted to tell you my feelings. But truth be told i was kinda..... well .. im really nervous around cute priests and i just wanted to say that dress looked really cute on u. Your muffins you brought to the picnic were really good and i was kindah embarrassed when all i had was that hunters bird pet i caught. But when you roasted it up like a true chef i knew we were ment to be together.


Please make sure you mark Rednstuff,Whitenstuff,Blacknstuff, Purplenstuff, etc away on all alliance games. This bot idiot has cost me several battle grounds while I'm trying to play on my newly twinked holy paladin on alliance. I mean I could go on horde and kill the bot for easy kills but what fun is that? Hopefully wow bans this moron soon.
This one is for that special someone who you were hoping to see in your BG.

Axia this one is for you when we sync que and get into different BG's /cry...


Bison, I am getting jealous. Where is the vid of you and I sitting together under the picnic umbrella at blacksmith last weekend?

Dear Alliance Flag Carrier's who let me Frost Nova you,

Sometime's I recognise your name's, sometimes I don't. Whether you are a regular Flag Carrier or a lost soul looking to redeem your trust in your team mates hearts running the flag below 2k HP. This is my letter to you. Sometime's we don't get along and you spam me with /spit macro, but just to let you know I am sincerely grateful for your dedication. I am afraid and ashamed to say that most Flag Carrier's give up their vital job in the Gulch and re-spec DPS after they play a BG with me. I don't enjoy the power I have been enrolled with, however someone has to take responsibility and wear these boots of shame. When I walk into your flag room with Berserker and you are stood on the flag point and let me Frost Nova you, I say a little prayer for the sins I am about to commit, I pray for your soul.

I am sorry I cause you so much pain, but I love you all for giving me the chance to Frost Nova you.


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