G'day Sverige,
So your in a dilemma, you want to use Merger Boots because you faction changed to get them, and Treebark Jacket because its rare and generally pretty epic.
Those combined items give 15 Intellect and 4 Crit Rating. Using Dreadmist Robe and Corpse Rompers gives 15 Intellect and 7 Crit Rating, plus more stamina but nevermind that. Unfortunately it makes more sense to take the jacket and/or boots off display.
I can only comment on my experiences. I have never tried a hit set, and hence havent seen what it can do for me. But Im reasonably confident that it would do little...... for me. I haven't played my Disc a lot since MoP, but Im 99% sure that she hasn't missed a damaging spell in that time. She has 15% base hit. Ofcourse this doesn't apply to some (important) spells, namely Psychic Scream and possibly your talent spell. Some have said these have a 26% chance to miss. I am far from an expert on hit, but I'll hypothesis that with your 15% base hit, you would need another 11% hit to hitcap these spells. Don't quote that....
Now for me this just isnt worth it. Yes, you might miss a Psychic Scream at a critical moment and lose a tight game.... crap crap crap..... I don't care. Im happy to accept the unpredictability and consequences of missing. I'd take the extra hit as a gift, but Im not sacrificing other things for it.
Getting back to the jacket/boots. It depends on what you do with your toon. I'll assume its mostly a WSG toon. In my view crit has never been more important in WSG than in MoP. Everyone takes less dmg, healing is more powerful, and consequently it takes burst to blast down either a healer or someone getting healed. Also, crit heals can be as positively game changing as Psychic Scream misses can be negatively game changing.
I won't go on forever... I'll just say I'd be sticking with Merger Boots, and swapping Treebark for Dreadmist. Without question I'd swap Ghamoo-Ra's Bind for Enumerated Wrap of the Sun (best) or Girdle of Nobility (close second).
The great Izac has said that PvP Resil is especially good for priests as its dmg reduction is applied to your bubble as well as your health. Correct this may be, but as we know resil is going to the turdhouse in the next patch. It might still be good for priests after the nerf, I don't know. I do know one thing, crit provides me with 64 trillion times more fun in bg's than resilience.
It goes without saying that I don't have the most survivable toon... but I do have one that can make a huge difference when my team mates are banging on the efc's head to no avail.
Hence after 5.3 it may well be worthwhile swapping Tyranny for Discerning.
Its best if you try the different sets that take your fancy and see which you like best. I don't think you'll be disappointed if you focus on maximizing/balancing Intellect and Crit.