So on my little goblin huntard I first roll with the Kurken corehound for the bloodlust
but once that expires the core-hound is useless
So do I go with spider for the extra slow or the carrion vulture for the mortal strike debuff? I dont know if 25% healing is strong enough though...maybe if it was 50% then we would be talking
I am leaning more and more against the slow because it kinda forces a gcd for druids and an extra slow is always nice to have. what say the hive?
but once that expires the core-hound is useless
So do I go with spider for the extra slow or the carrion vulture for the mortal strike debuff? I dont know if 25% healing is strong enough though...maybe if it was 50% then we would be talking
I am leaning more and more against the slow because it kinda forces a gcd for druids and an extra slow is always nice to have. what say the hive?