Exalted with silverwing

Question was asked on the forums about whether or not you could get the WSG mastery title on a trial account. The obvious limiting factor is getting to exalted. My response was this thought someone here would be interested.

For humans neutral to exalted in WSG would be 1091 flag caps (38-39per cap because 10% of 35 per cap is 38.5 so blizz alternates 38 or 39 per cap and/or 363 WSG wins non humans 1200 flag caps or 400 wins. Fastest i've seen WSG done is 5-7 minutes. Hypothetically, with constant q's immediately when you got out, speedpots, sprints and an entire team working together for 363bg's it would take a minimum of 30.25 hours. oh wait! i forgot to factor in the 1 min wait time before each battle begins that would be another 6 hours of just waiting for WSG to begin. You would also want to do this on a BG weekend not factored in I think it is just an extra 10rep (11 for humans) per battle which would cut down your total WSG wins needed by only 3 or 15-21min. You would probably want a team of at least 3 rogues with sprint up in the hordes flag room and sufficient DPS for offense suppression.

Q's are long because people farm, if you had at least one team running gulches in a way to optimize rep it might cut down on the global Q time. If people don't have to wait to get into WSG there is less of a tendancy to want to farm. Farmers end up winning because they prolong the battles and it is just a downward spiral resulting in longer queues.
By the way you make it sound.. it could be quite possible.

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