Ex 60 twink looking for new home


Hello dear Twinking community, this is Othanc.

I used to be a pretty hardcore lvl 60 twink with BiS gear inclusing T3, legendaries etc, haven't played in a few years and recently decided to log in and play a bit. Realized all my level 60 chars are now 25, and it feels bad.

I'm not going to level them up just due to the respect I have for those characters but will probably level up new ones.

I'm so far undecided as to whether I should go 29 or 39, and am open to recommendation. I'm also a bit confused as I'm noticing level 20 twinks and 30 twinks in 20-29 and 30-39 bgs respectively, why is that? Why aren't they 29 and 39?

Anyways, I'm a confused oldie who hasn't played in years and am looking for some guidance from my fellow twinks.

Thank you all in advance for any tips and guidance, WoW has changed so much!
Retail twinking as you remember it is dead. Due to an innumerable number of changes, both in game and in the player base, twink pvp is more-or-less nonexistent outside of organized activity

Because of this, twinking no longer focuses around top-of-the-bracket levels but around pve activity and other considerations. So you see 20s (F2P level cap), 30s (lowest level with raids) and 10s/11s (low level scaling is broken)

Some 29s still exist (humiliation fetishes are a thing, i guess) and there are some "legacy level" twinks still around but theyre more time capsules and trophy toons than anything else

If you're looking for unscheduled competitive minded twink pvp, youre out of luck. That time has passed. If you enjoy twinking for the whole "building a toon, collecting BIS, etc" type stuff, nows a great time to look into 20s or even 30s
Retail twinking as you remember it is dead. Due to an innumerable number of changes, both in game and in the player base, twink pvp is more-or-less nonexistent outside of organized activity

Because of this, twinking no longer focuses around top-of-the-bracket levels but around pve activity and other considerations. So you see 20s (F2P level cap), 30s (lowest level with raids) and 10s/11s (low level scaling is broken)

Some 29s still exist (humiliation fetishes are a thing, i guess) and there are some "legacy level" twinks still around but theyre more time capsules and trophy toons than anything else

If you're looking for unscheduled competitive minded twink pvp, youre out of luck. That time has passed. If you enjoy twinking for the whole "building a toon, collecting BIS, etc" type stuff, nows a great time to look into 20s or even 30s
Hey, thanks for the reply. Playing on my lvl 25s (former 60s) for the past week, I've easily gotten 10-12 back to back bgs with less than 10 mins wait time between. Doesn't feel dead at all, in fact seems to be more alive than the last time I played.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Playing on my lvl 25s (former 60s) for the past week, I've easily gotten 10-12 back to back bgs with less than 10 mins wait time between. Doesn't feel dead at all, in fact seems to be more alive than the last time I played.
If youre playing xp-off BGs and getting those kind of frequent pops, and finding them fun, then a whole lot has changed since I last qued up
As chops stated, a lot has changed. Personally, as a non-PVP guy, I suggest giving PVE a shot like achievement points, zone exploration, mount collecting, transmogs, questlines etc. It's a fun experience exploring a lot of places which I never got a chance to see, especially when Flying is available at the low level of 10.

I'd like to add that lowbies/f2p can pretty much do a whole lot of content and as of now we can actually even do Dragonflight which is neat. You have TBC zones, Wrath, some Cata stuff, Pandaria, Draenor, Broken Isles (Except Argus, thats for 40s), all the way till Dragonflight. The sky is the limit on what or where to start with.
As chops stated, a lot has changed. Personally, as a non-PVP guy, I suggest giving PVE a shot like achievement points, zone exploration, mount collecting, transmogs, questlines etc. It's a fun experience exploring a lot of places which I never got a chance to see, especially when Flying is available at the low level of 10.

I'd like to add that lowbies/f2p can pretty much do a whole lot of content and as of now we can actually even do Dragonflight which is neat. You have TBC zones, Wrath, some Cata stuff, Pandaria, Draenor, Broken Isles (Except Argus, thats for 40s), all the way till Dragonflight. The sky is the limit on what or where to start with.
I'm actually getting a log of BG pops on my xp-locked 25s and the new 29 warlock I just leveled. So looks like I'll be able to enjoy pvp after all.
I'm actually getting a log of BG pops on my xp-locked 25s and the new 29 warlock I just leveled. So looks like I'll be able to enjoy pvp after all.
Thats good to hear then, leave non alive and Chaos Bolt anything on sight!
Naxxramas is back??
Go play on the Classic servers. Era has all lvl 60 raids unlocked, servers are lvl 1-60 forever.
Or go on the Anniversary servers and progress Vanilla in phases (Molten Core just unlocked on there). 1 to 60 aswell, but will progress into TBC.
Hello dear Twinking community, this is Othanc.

I used to be a pretty hardcore lvl 60 twink with BiS gear inclusing T3, legendaries etc, haven't played in a few years and recently decided to log in and play a bit. Realized all my level 60 chars are now 25, and it feels bad.

I'm not going to level them up just due to the respect I have for those characters but will probably level up new ones.

I'm so far undecided as to whether I should go 29 or 39, and am open to recommendation. I'm also a bit confused as I'm noticing level 20 twinks and 30 twinks in 20-29 and 30-39 bgs respectively, why is that? Why aren't they 29 and 39?

Anyways, I'm a confused oldie who hasn't played in years and am looking for some guidance from my fellow twinks.

Thank you all in advance for any tips and guidance, WoW has changed so much!
30s have the most content available to them for their level (scaled and otherwise) than any other level. The 20s is mostly f2p/unsubbed vets, there is lots to enjoy there but definitely lacking in the PVE (no raids yet) and pvp the 29s just squish them. There is also the possibility of ANOTHER level squish in the future, whether distant or not, soonest would be about 6 years from now, so theoretically you could
And then there is classics
Probably worth noting a lot of people here will actively discourage you from playing 29s and suggest you play 20s or play one of the other versions of WoW but if you are enjoying 29s stick at it. The main reason is blizz pretty much ruined 20s PvP so there is a bit of a sour taste from the vast majority who use the site.

I ain't currently playing but if I was it would defo be as a 29. I had some 20s myself previously decked out in full wf gear (old bis) and it sucked big time getting destroyed by 29s so understand their frustration but yeah you do you and what you find most fun.

Also are the short queue times on US or EU. Generally I found EU much more active in PvP when I last played.
Hello dear Twinking community, this is Othanc.

I used to be a pretty hardcore lvl 60 twink with BiS gear inclusing T3, legendaries etc, haven't played in a few years and recently decided to log in and play a bit. Realized all my level 60 chars are now 25, and it feels bad.

I'm not going to level them up just due to the respect I have for those characters but will probably level up new ones.

I'm so far undecided as to whether I should go 29 or 39, and am open to recommendation. I'm also a bit confused as I'm noticing level 20 twinks and 30 twinks in 20-29 and 30-39 bgs respectively, why is that? Why aren't they 29 and 39?

Anyways, I'm a confused oldie who hasn't played in years and am looking for some guidance from my fellow twinks.

Thank you all in advance for any tips and guidance, WoW has changed so much!
Tbh play 29s I recently came back and I’m trying to bring back 29s to play again and qs have been poppin in the 20-29 bracket such as full arathi basin and eye of the storm games. My suggestion if you want to twink again make a 20 or 29 id say 29 just cause 20 isn’t as good as 29 obviously. Love to have you if you make a 29 let me know and I’ll get you in the community

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